This post is dedicated to you! Yep, it’s all about you and following up on questions, suggestions and feedback you’ve given me over the past year.
First of all, thank you so much for being here with me and I’m looking forward to sharing more with you in 2024.
We still haven’t come up with any project, travel, cooking or reading goals in our home. But we cannot float around in a sea of inaction forever so we will eventually get around to it.
Chris somehow got the idea we visited Dancing Apache winery and didn’t drink wine. HAHAHAHA! She knows me way better than that.
Connie asked if we had considered an induction stove (is that the correct term?) when we replaced our cook top. The short answer is yes, we did.
But they are quite a bit more money and a longer lead time.
This is a true statement: At our age, the extra money for home improvements that we will not see the benefit of for years, doesn’t make sense.
We are not making any improvements that don’t substantially increase the value of our home or that have a payback period of more than five years.
Having said that, our dear friends Jan and Ted who live in Indiana built a gorgeous custom home a few years back and did get that stove and last I heard love it. It’s been way too long since we visited them.
Chris gave me a sweet comment about all the products she has purchased with the links I provide and based on my reviews.
To be perfectly clear, I am not an affiliate of anyone, including Amazon, so the links I provide are purely for your convenience. At one time I did sign up to be an affiliate and posted my affiliate statement as required by law.
I maybe earned $1.75 and think I wasn’t worth their time so they booted me. No problem. I’m going to keep sharing my purchase reviews with you.
Jann asked me what free evite I used and it’s They are a good and easy to use site.
Julie sprang the big bucks and bought the same slow cooker we got – the Calphalon. She loves it just as much as we do. So that’s two positive reviews. I will say she also bought the Mueller chopper I love and she didn’t love it.
Here is a pic of some yummy soup she made last weekend.

Our Payson trip earned a new friend – Bob. He wanted me to let everyone know he is awesome AND available. Not sure if that status is still the same, but hey!
Cassandra seconded our love for Tlaquepaque in Sedona. Such an awesome place. She and her hub agree on Jerome too.
Evon’s Cady got a bit “cutie” comment from Cassandra.

Jann liked our conversion from a home office to a man cave and suggested an office organization post. On it!
Costco chicken – we’re not the only ones who find it a big value.
Connie was interested in Temu and was happy for the review. I will say, I haven’t reordered anything from them just because I haven’t wanted to restock any junky stuff lately.
Quake Hold doesn’t damage furniture.

The Death Valley trip piqued a lot of interest. So happy we spent time there with special people and before it got HOT.
Fulfilled a lot of prayer requests. That is my job and I’m privileged to get the assignment. Whether or not your request was public, made in private, or just at my discretion, please know I am here for you if you need another whisper into God’s ear.
Two Anthem Events
If you’re local (or will be North of Phoenix on Wednesday, January 24th) The Anthem Health and Wellness Club will be hosting speaker Joe Garcia from Raqia Farms: All About Microgreens. I have purchased from Joe before and can attest to great quality and price.
There is no charge for this event, but registration is requested.

This is totally a country club resident event, but Cassandra is hosting Zumba parties at 6:30 p.m. the third Friday of each month this year. Again, no charge, but registration is required.
Let me tell you, I have NO talent for Zumba, but Cassandra is a good instructor who cues and guides the participants. Her music and moves are so fun.

Wrap Up
Well! I didn’t get through the whole year’s comments, but I made some headway. This post gets any longer and you’ll leave me for another cup of joe.
Obviously, this blog would not have been possible without you and I so appreciate you and all your feedback.
This week will include a little reorganizing so I hope to share some good ideas and motivation next week.
Big plans this weekend? Let us know what you’re up to.
Awwww! I saw my name mentioned many times here. And thank you so much for posting about the Zumba party, Corine. You are the best! Looking forward to seeing you there. Happy new year.🤗🥰😘😘!
I love your travel posts – especially trips nearby as I want to do more short day trips in 2024. Your blog has such a great variety! Thanks for posting about the Anthem Health and Wellness Club too!