Trader Joe’s has always offered quality face and body products at great prices. But lately? Oh, yeah, they’re taking it up to the next level.
Here are some of the well-priced Trader Joe’s beauty products I’ve tried and have bought over and over. And a peek at some of their new items.
For the Shower
I have absolutely the tangliest (what’s the word I’m looking for here?) hair ever. Rats galore after shampooing. The hair mask is a life saver. A little dab worked in while I’m shaving my legs means the conditioner is in just long enough to detangle and soften. No greasy residue. I love it.
Oh, and it’s four bucks. Yep, really.

It looks like the Lemongrass shampoo and conditioner each have sleek new packaging. I haven’t tried this exact formulation, but every other shampoo I’ve tried is very nice.
The Nourish facial cleanser takes makeup off in a snap and doesn’t leave my skin feeling stripped.

For the Hair Dryer
I avoid the hair dryer and curling iron as much as I can, but still. Sometimes. I do have to look a little better than my lazy, crazy hair look I sport around the house.

Before I use any heat on my hair I always protect with the hair oil. It really smooths my hair and tames the summer frizz. And like the hair mask, the coconut smell transports me right to Hawaii.
Five bucks. And the bottle lasts a really long time.
For the Body
New at my latest TJ’s run, I see the body cream I love is now available unscented. I have no idea why you would want unscented when the coconut smells like heaven, but there you go. This cream has a lot of seasonal fragrances too. You’ll see mango in the summer, etc. Get one of every scent, you won’t be sorry.

If……. You ever see the Brazilian Nut products, pick them up and then pick one up for your bestie. These are a dupe for the Brazilian Bum Bum cream which is sought after and pricey. They don’t often have this, so if you see it, snag it.

For the Face
I have an addiction to moisturizers and panic if my supply starts to get low. Honestly. I’ve always suffered from very dry skin and it becomes painful if I don’t keep it frequently moisturized. So I’m always trying out new things.

Over and over through the years, I have used TJ’s facial products. Along with many other, way more expensive brands, by the way.
And over and over I’m never disappointed with the quality and thrilled with the prices.

For the Sun
If you’re a fan of sunscreen consider TJ’s products. I try to avoid sunscreen when I can, but sometimes you just need it. Especially when you’re in the Arizona sun. Or Colorado sun. Or Nevada sun. All the scorching places I’ve lived.
I love that these products do not have a “sunscreen” smell and none of them have ever made my eyes burn.

Wrap Up
Thanks for taking a stroll down the aisles of my Trader Joe’s store with me. You know I think the last time I took you along on a Trader’s trip was over three years ago! How did that happen? I swear I turn around and it’s a new year.
I still haven’t jump started this year quite yet, but when I get some plans on the horizon, I’ll be sharing them right here.
Do you have anything interesting going on?
I have a few questions I need to answer from some of you, dear friends, and I’ll get those posted on Saturday. Maybe I’ll get a recipe in and a couple book recommendations. Until then, be well and God bless.