Out and About

February is usually a busy time in the Phoenix area. National events such a a big golf tournament, a big car auction, and perfect weather attract a lot of people to the area. And I like to try to avoid a lot of people in the same space. But it is a perfect time to […]

Phoenix Deer Valley Airport

For years our posse has talked about wanting to try the restaurant at the nearby Phoenix Deer Valley Airport.  It has good reviews and seemed like a fun outing. But it is one of those things that are always, ā€œSomeday we ottaā€¦.ā€  This week we made it happen. Restaurant Very last minute we called Evon […]


Now magazine ainā€™t what they used to be.  And mostly because of people like me.  People who blog online with tons of useful (and not-so) information.  For free.  So why buy a magazine?  And have you seen how much they cost?  Yikes! Dear friend Jann requested a blog post about magazines and here you go. […]

January 2025 Potpourri

There is nothing terribly interesting going on here, so I thought it a good time to chat about this and that.  My January 2025 potpourri. My bffs and I took a field trip to Queen Creek Olive Mill.Ā  When I say field trip, itā€™s because it is very far from my part of town.Ā  But […]

December 2024 Potpourri

Hello, my friends.  Potpourri is my chatty post catching you up on what we have been doing and providing recommendations on what I love.  And.Ā  Maybe just letting you know about what I donā€™t love but what is necessary.Ā  Like exercise. Or bad books. What Iā€™m Doing Let me start this by saying that I […]

Holiday Fun

(For Free) Do you know what is best about enjoying the holidays?  When you put zero work into it!  Here are a few ways Iā€™ve been having holiday fun (for free) and soaking up a little Christmas spirit. Holiday Stroll Our outstanding December weather has allowed me to be outside walking almost every day.  Bright […]

Weekend Fun!

Yep, itā€™s that time of year in Arizona.  The time of year when each day becomes more packed than the day before.  That time of year when weekends start on Wednesday.  And when weekends are fun! Hereā€™s a recap of some of the fun we had and now why Iā€™m detoxing and in recovery.  Ha! […]

October Wrap Up

Weā€™re ready to put another October in the books.  And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how I got so old.  I just let time fly right by.  Darn it. In any event, here is the October wrap up and how we have been spending our time around here. What Iā€™m Eating I made a really […]

Waking Up With Fall

Are you enjoying fall where you are?  It seems to be everyoneā€™s favorite season.  And while I wonā€™t claim it for myself, I will share my fall morning routine.  In other words, waking up with fall. I like waking up all my senses and this is how. Open It The mornings are finally crisp.Ā  Itā€™s […]

October 2024 Potpourri

A potpourri post is where I sit at my keyboard with a cup oā€™ joe and chat about this and that. Pour yourself a little drink and join me, wonā€™t you? The ides of October have arrived and there is no denying the holidays are upon us.  Every year I think, ā€œHow can this have […]