Now magazine ain’t what they used to be. And mostly because of people like me. People who blog online with tons of useful (and not-so) information. For free. So why buy a magazine? And have you seen how much they cost? Yikes!
Dear friend Jann requested a blog post about magazines and here you go.
Anyone who browses Pinterest knows you can find someone who has written something about everything.
But back in the day. Oh, yeah, magazines were the best. Until they built up and gave me a clutter-attack.

Today you can find a few measly, scrawny magazines in narrow racks at stores. But the best ones all have online content.
Here are a few of my favorites and ones you may want to check out for yourself.
Good Housekeeping
No sensational articles or good gossip (we see you National Enquirer) but solid product reviews and an easy to navigate site are pluses. There are home décor ideas, recipes and diet articles.
Southern Living
A much more robust site, Southern Living has always been a favorite for their beautiful layout, genteel content and their annual Idea House.
If you have never or have not recently perused their site, take a gander and you might spend more time than you wanted!
Sunset was always the western sister to Southern Living. I was a long-time subscriber, but like everything else, they sort of ran their course.
I haven’t looked at their site in a long time and honestly. Well, they just seem so full of themselves. For instance the recipes they shared are:
- Charred Onion Labneh with Smoked Trout Roe
- Sumac Hummus
- Tacos la Paz
Now if any of those are your favorite recipes, please stop reading. Because to me they sound like conditions you would visit your gynecologist to get cleared up.
Better Homes and Gardens was always a really fun down-to-earth magazine. Like something the girl next door would find helpful. Not for one of the Real Housewives of wherever.
Their partnership with Walmart sort of underlines how they are a brand for everyone. I’ve purchased a lot of BHG products and have never been disappointed.
Their magazine won’t wow you, but it’s still really good.
Eating Well
Eating Well took over Cooking Light and it’s a much better magazine, but my heart will always be with Cooking Light because that magazine taught me how to cook.
Nice recipes and special diets make this magazine a staple for foodies everywhere.

Wrap Up
Nothing new to see here, but these are a few of my old favorites and I hope you will be motivated to check them out and let me know what you think.
Do you have any online or print magazines you love? Please do tell!
Thank you for being here and God bless you for a wonderful weekend.
I used to love my Oprah magazine subscription, and 5280 (in Denver) and Shape magazine. Psychology Today was insightful! Miss my magazines but not the clutter! Hope all is well. I don’t get any mags anymore! They are fading out of style.
Yes I miss the O magazine from before!
You are just like me. Love the mags until you don’t!
Thanks Corine!
Thanks for the idea! Keep it coming!