Just in time to be home for Labor Day, we have completed our road trips. Not only our adventures, but friends have also shared some of their pics. So here is the summer travel wrap up for 2023.
Show Low
Our last trip of the season was a visit to our dear friends Sara and Kevin along with Evon. It was a close redux of last year’s visit, but Cindy was taking a trip-of-a-lifetime cruise and missed this one.
We arrived in time for lunch and Sara had a beautiful cold cut platter prepared including fresh produce from her Show Low garden!
The salad you see on the top is a rice salad from Sara’s mom’s kitchen. It was so good seasoned with dill. Rich though. I only ate a small amount. Twice.

We dined al fresco (my favorite!) one night at The House and it was fantastic. Casual, friendly, charming, good food.

Their gardens were so pretty and I snapped a pic of a purple columbine. For some reason, I find yellow columbines in Arizona, so this felt special to me.
A few days prior to our Show Low trip, we met Gordon, Shira, Barb and Stu on their camping trip in Flagstaff. We stayed in an onsite hotel, but ate outside with them. Barb had the cutest table set up outside her trailer.

We were treated to very decent rain and then sunny, warm temps just in time for a morning hike.
Southwestern Colorado
Our last night in Colorado, after a very long day of driving ended at Ute Mountain Casino and Hotel near the Four Corners. Their grounds had teepees and of course, we needed our pics in front of one.

I sat out on the hotel room balcony and watched a thunderstorm roll in and then listened to the rain for the rest of the evening.
I do not need a steady dose of rain, but I sure have missed the monsoons this summer along with the refreshment they provide.
Earlier in the summer we visited Jerome on a sunny weekday and it was so crowded! Tourist attractions in Arizona have certainly stayed busy this year.
We had not been to Jerome for a few years. It was always an artsy town, but now it consists of several restaurants and wineries. Definitely more upscale than I recall.
We ate lunch at the famous Haunted Hamburger. Then we walked around the Jerome Hotel which is also haunted.

A very nice hotel employee was working on some really old fancy Rolls Royce cars and brought us into the garage to take a close look at them.
You can see John got a kick at looking at all the details on these beauties.

Grand Canyon
We didn’t get to the park this summer, but the Flagstaff gang did. Barb sent this stunning picture from their afternoon visit. I didn’t get permission to post this, so I’m asking forgiveness, Barb!
That’s her motto, so I’m sure she won’t sue me.

Park City
Deb and her hub had their Alaska vacation plans scrubbed so at the last minute they visited their favorite summer place. Park City, Utah.
She sent a pic she took of the view from her condo balcony. I really did get permission to post this one!

Wrap Up
Wow! This has been a great summer blessed with beautiful places, the best of friends and beloved family members.
Ryan has done a wonderful job holding down the fort while we’ve been gone, but of course, I miss my fur children and am always so happy to get back to them.
Is your summer over or are you still trekking about?
We were so happy to have you camp with is, but wish you (and all of us) had better weather for your visit!
Wow, you have been quite the busy adventurers. Love the post🥰. We love Jerome. We also ate at Haunted Hamburger. So delicious.😋👻🍔!