DIY Project Reading Recipes

Reupholster Kitchen Chairs and Barstools

On a recent trip to Arhaus, I spotted a dining set very similar to the set in our kitchen.  And boy was I drooling over the simple, but classic striped fabric on the chairs.

I love Arhaus.Ā  Their physical store is over the top full of beautiful furniture and accessories.Ā  The current lead time for order delivery is over 30 weeks.Ā  Which translates in reality to probably more like a year.Ā  No problem, new furniture isnā€™t on my current horizon anyway.

Bells going off.  Inspiration for another project!

Here is the inspiration piece ā€“ the Regina bellā€™arte dining chair.Ā  Itā€™s marked down half price right now to $500.Ā  Each.Ā  Just in case youā€™re in the market.Ā  Which Iā€™m not, but I certainly want my chairs to LOOK like them.

So, I put on my Nancy Drew persona and headed to the fabric store to detect similar fabric for my kitchen.

But.  The dreaded ā€œbut.ā€  Custom fabric is not available or being sold.  Shipping is stopped and no delivery in sight.  One half of the fabric store is closed and they can only sell what they have on hand. 

How are these poor businesses staying open?

Fate was on my side though.Ā  The very first remnant I saw was a piece of custom fabric that had been returned and was practically perfect.Ā  I needed to cover seven chairs total and it wasnā€™t quite enough by the industry standard, but I bought it anyway thinking I would find a way to make it work.

Here is a pic of the old fabric on the barstools. Not awful, but not pretty either.

Here is the finished kitchen chair. And Roxy, of course.

It was tight, but I even had an extra piece and was able to do my office chair. I took the picture like this so you can also see the lovely print I got when we were in Eureka Springs earlier this year. I’m all about trees this year. They are my spirit plant.

Iā€™d like to say this project was 100% mine and that was the intention, but my hands are just not strong enough to use the stapler.  And itā€™s electric.  So as usual, hub came to the rescue and we had a joint project and production line set up in the kitchen.

The change might not hit you in the face when you walk in, but I couldnā€™t be happier.  And, wink, wink, I found another fabric for my dining room chairs after our hands heal enough to tackle them.  Stand by.

What Iā€™m Eating

We had a couple of ripe bananas and a desire to deliver some homemade muffins to our dear friends, so I whipped up a recipe from Sallyā€™s Baking Addiction.Ā 

Quick and Easy Banana Muffins

Before baking, I have to armor up and gear myself for the kitchen mess and possible recipe failure, but using Sallyā€™s recipes, I have yet to go wrong.  Um, except for the kitchen mess.  That always does happen.

The muffins got good reviews and I got to use my patriotic muffin papers.  Itā€™s the little things that make me happy.

What Iā€™m Doing

DF Connieā€™s grandtwins came for a visit and we had such a great time with them.Ā  We made tacos, played Exploding Kittens and cornhole and hunted scorpions.Ā  I wanted to show off their beautiful manis.Ā  They are welcome back here anytime!

What Iā€™m Reading

I keep wanting to catch up on some book reviews but these posts are too long.Ā  Ok, I super duper promise my Saturday post will catch you up on what Iā€™m reading, but in the meantime, if youā€™re dying for a good book, can I just tell you get The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.Ā  Not to be bossy, but you must read this book.Ā  I donā€™t even know how it got on my list.Ā  But so good!Ā  Kim Michele Richardson is now on my reading radar.Ā  More about all this next post.

God bless you and yours and have a wonderful week.

2 Comment

  1. The chairs look so nice. I especially like the stripe fabric on the kitchen chair!

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