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Pottery Barn Design Class

Saturday we rounded up the posse, met in Scottsdale and attended a free Pottery Barn Design Class.

PB offers in-store design classes most Saturdays before the store opens.  Evon, Denisse and I discovered that is just perfect because we can attend class, peruse the store (very carefully!) and then snag an early lunch before the crowds descend. 

And descend they did.  We had excellent parking spots and shoppers were drooling to get our spots as we pulled out.

The pic above is one of our instructors but I cannot remember if she is Taylor or Ashley. I love her boots!

How to Layer a Beautiful Bed

The class we recently attended was on bed making.  One of the best things PB does is display the coziest, most tantalizing beds. 

Not only do I want to hop on those beds and jump around a bit, I also want to purchase all those layers.

Which is why they do it, of course. 

Here is what we learned:

Double-Stuffed Duvets

That great fluffy overstuffed duvet look is achieved with placing two comforters into a duvet cover.  It is so gorgeous.  And then.  The thought of that on an Arizona bed.  Um, no.  I’ll just look, okay?

Steamed Linens

Well, they didn’t go so far as to suggest ironing sheets.  They recommended maybe ironing pillow cases.  But they did admit they steam the pillow cases and shams.

The Belgian Flax Linen line is a best seller and has trended on social media for the past several years.  It doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon.  But if you want a crisp look, that might not be for you.

Lots of Pillows

Good thing hub didn’t attend with us.  He would NOT have wanted to hear about adding more pillows to the bed. 

Sleeping pillows, European shams, throw pillows, you name it.  The more the better.  I do agree.  But then at night?

You gotta stow all those pillows somewhere.  The more I throw on the floor, the more an obstacle course I have to get to the bathroom.

So I sort of minimize the pillow situation.

Seasonal Bedding

Toile has made a comeback at PB and Juliette in Steel Blue called me right by my name.  “Corine, take me home!”  The Harvest Gold bed was a big hit with all the class participants.

All the muted colors in this line scream autumn cozy.

Also adorable was the plush velvet pumpkin pillow which adds a seasonal touch without changing out all the bedding.

Now here’s the thing.  I love switching out my bedding for every season.  But we all know how expensive bedding is. 

And frankly, this was not a “Layering on a Budget” class. 

Here is a breakdown for bedding o’ my dreams (for a king bed):

  • Toile Quilt – $350
  • Toile Shams – $320
  • Belgian Flax Duvet Cover – $329
  • Down Alternative Inserts (2) – $620
  • Eyelet Pillowcases – $45
  • Velvet Pumpkin Pillow – $60

Can anyone here do the math on that?  Ok, allow me.  That is over $1,700!  And that doesn’t count sheets.  Because I love Costco sheets and won’t budge on that.

But maybe those eyelet pillowcases because they couldn’t be more adorable.

Via Pottery Barn Juliette Toile Handcrafted Quilt

So, $1,700 on bedding and then change out certain components for seasons?

I love this stuff, but I might need a modification.  Like I always ask for in exercise class.  Something just a little less.

But a girl can dream.

Wrap Up

On a completely different note, DF Jann sent a pic of a DYI hat band she made.  She loved the fraying I did with a fork on my jeans and was going to employ that technique here, but she said the band was already frayed.

Isn’t it great?

Although I didn’t end up with a big purchase, inspiration is in the air and it’s always good to spend the morning with besties!

I hope you find your weekend equally satisfying.

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