And in other non-news reporting from my household. I’ve been undecorating. Snooze. I know. But I’m making room for a few new things I want to share.
And. I have to undecorate first. It feels like it’s been so long since I have bought anything new. I’m still decluttering and downsizing, but all the “making do” I’ve been doing for the past few years has made my home feel a little sad and shabby.
Or so I tell myself.
Oh, and that last trip to Pottery Barn might have juiced me up more than I was counting on.
I really don’t trust the stock situation at my local stores, so I have been purchasing online and trying to remind myself that even though this is autumn season décor, I still need to stick to a color palate. It’s so hard when everything is so pretty.
Clear it Out
Summer décor was pretty sparse this year. A little citrus and a few white things here and there were just enough for me.
But still. I needed to get all the surfaces cleared off. I will likely use some of my stuff with my new scheme, so for now I’m corralling everything in a spare room.

Every throw blanket got a nice bath and they are folded for consideration in a spot with the new incoming stuff.
Live with It
Strangely, living with bare surfaces for a week or so is kind of calming. It gives me a chance to reset in my brain. And. Of course. Gives me a chance to clean in the nooks and crannies. Ugh.

And, yes, Roxy can be seen if you look closely!
Research Purchases
It has been a lot of fun researching what Target, Walmart and At Home are selling that are close matches to items at Pottery Barn.
I have already placed an order for the guest room and the boxes are starting to arrive.
You can see my girls got a little treat while I was in the ordering mode. 😉

But they surely do hate the Fed Ex truck.
What I’m Eating
Saturday I took advantage of a cloudy day and spent the afternoon baking. Just the usuals. Gluten-free cookies for hub, biscuits for myself and the No-Knead Artisan Bread from FitFrugalMom.

I’m sure I’m going to have some sort of carb overload here soon. But it’s so nice having biscuits in the freezer. When I want a cozy evening snack of a cup o’ tea with a biscuit and preserves, I can treat myself.
What I’m Reading
The Promise by Robert Crais is an Elvis Cole series novel. It’s not the first I’ve read but I have no idea of the order and apparently reading in order is not necessary.
Short, fast and pleasant read. If you like just a bit of violence and a very nice twist at the end, you’ll enjoy it.

I cannot wait to share my audiobook, but I want to finish it first. Next week!
Anthem Health & Wellness Club
This no charge Wednesday club resumes the monthly speaker after a summer break. The topic is Minimizing EMF’s in your home by speaker Mike Goral.

Deb reports that attendance is already good, but if you or someone you know would like to attend, she will gladly add more chairs!
Registration is free and here is the link.
Wrap Up
I hope this post isn’t too much of a boring letdown, but I’m getting excited for some new things and updating my home’s look a bit.
We are enjoying beautiful weather here. Evon sent a pic of Cady (whom you have met before). You can see they are enjoying their coffee on the patio these mornings.

As are Roxy and I.
Have a wonderful week and let me know how you are kicking off fall.
Awwww, Cady is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing her pic and for sharing your recent going-ons.
(((BIG HUG)))
Big hug, back at ya, little sister! I cannot wait to attend another Zumba class next time you teach.