Reading Recipes

Veteran’s Day 2023

Every year I share our community’s Veteran’s Day activities.  Most parts of the country have not-so-great weather right now, but not us!  It’s like the most beautiful 4th of July weather here.

Last Saturday we attended the Veteran’s Day parade and I took some pictures to share with you.  It all started with a flyover by four old planes.  Very lovely morning!

And nice to see so many people out honoring our vets.

This Saturday is the Veteran’s Day Ceremony at our monument.  This year they are providing a live link to the ceremony.

Our club hosted the second annual Wounded Warrior Walk.  I didn’t participate this year, but I loved the finish line!


Some trees are just starting to lose their leaves and other shrubs and the golf course are flourishing now.  Of course, when you water the dickens out of something that can happen.  It’s reclaimed water, though.

If you squint just right like I do, you can pretend I’m not in the middle of the Sonoran Desert.


Evon loves to bake and tried No Knead Seeded Oat Bread from Sally’s Baking Addiction.  And then!  She shared the loaf with me. 

It was delish toasted up and served with homemade vegetable soup.  A perfect meal for a crisp(ish!) fall evening.

What a treat.

And not leaving the celiac hub out of the picture, Deb shared a local sourdough baker who takes special orders for gluten-free sourdough bread.  I ordered some baguettes and we picked them up basically fresh from the oven.

John gave the bread two thumbs up and if you are a local, be sure to check out The Baikin Baiker.  I’m giving him a two-thumbs up for a lovely Web Site.

Anti-Inflammatory Tea

Is inflammation high on everyone else’s list of ouchies or just on mine?  It really is my biggest battle every day.  Evon sent on a recipe she found from Joy Bauer (where you can find the Italian meatball recipe I love).

Ginger Turmeric Cherry Tea sounds lovely and it actually looks lovely but I am not recommending it based on a yummy taste.  It’s very tart and spicy but not unpleasant.  I’m drinking a cup every afternoon and I’ll let you know in a month or so if I see results.  It can’t hurt, right?

What I’m Reading

Whew, I finally finished a long one on audio, Steve Berry’s The Templar Legacy.  Instead of being action-packed and suspenseful, it was unwieldy, unbelievable and full of unlikeable characters.  I gave it two stars on Goodreads because the narration was decent.

Benjamin Stevenson’s Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone is as quirky as the title hints and very fun and easy to read.  It was a mystery with plenty of twists, but at the end of the day, it was just plain fun and a good read.

Andrea Kane’s The Girl Who Disappeared Twice is the beginning of a series and was written in 2011.  I’m guessing that since the series continues, the books have improved.  It was good enough to finish with no glaring problems, but I didn’t love it either.

I think that catches me up on my latest reading.

Wrap Up

These darker, shorter days can be the very devil on a cheery personality.  Some days I feel like a sloth moving through life.  As if a smile might crack my face.

I think it’s time to get out the happy lamp and put in on my desk for some light therapy.

Honestly, good old-fashioned sunlight and exercise are the best for me, but it’s still something I go through every year.

And those are good habits.  But I really want bad things like bread and chocolate and the recliner.  And maybe some serious online spending.  NO!  Get behind me, Satan!

Do you struggle this time of year?  Do you have any helpful hints for battling the blues?

Oh, yeah, and these little things sometimes make me feel happy!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and if you’re so inclined, appreciate a veteran!