Three New Recipes

Wow, I think this may be a world record in our home, but we tried out three new recipe dishes this week and I want to pass them along.  They were all hits with the hub, so that’s a win. We have wildly different palates and diets, so finding meals in common is a challenge.  […]

Updated Window Coverings

I’ve mentioned before that our projects are not very well pre-planned or pre-budgeted. And when we need something, we think we need it the minute we think of it. And so it is that we updated some of our window coverings. Several years ago DF Dona ordered (and installed!) woven wood blinds throughout our home […]

Healthy (ish) Sweets

Okay, okay, okay. Last week my post was about getting back on track with healthy eating and exercise. This week my house is redolent with aromas of peanut butter, sugar and chocolate. What the heck? But. They are healthy (ish) sweets! Last week we had very few sweets in the house and Hub decided he […]

Front Porch Summer Update

My front porch is such a challenge in the summer.  It faces southwest and gets to around 1000 degrees, so having anything delicate or alive is out of the question.  However, in the winter, it’s the most delightful outdoor space we have.  I sit there in the afternoon sun and warm my bones. I don’t […]

World Famous Veggie Plate

Ok, the whole world might be a bit of exaggeration, but it seems wherever John and I go, we have a reputation for having our fresh veggies with us.  Oh, yeah, even when we went to Rome, we found a wonderful little organic market a few blocks from our hotel and made a cruditĂ© platter […]

Our New Hot Tub

You may have noticed that our projects are rarely planned out in advance or budgeted.  They are more spur-of-the-moment one-of-us- didn’t-sleep-the-night-before and had a brilliant idea.  In addition to our guest bathroom tub surround remodel and our home office re-do, we recently decided to purchase a hot tub.  Just an idea out of the blue.  […]

Updated Entry Table

Waaaaay back in December when I took Christmas down, I decorated the table in our entry with mercury glass.  I just love that stuff. It goes with my lamps and I thought it would be a pretty transition from winter into spring.  Well, spring came and went and somehow my heart was just not into […]

Mid-Week Retreat

We were fortunate enough to get away for a couple of days mid-week last week to visit Kohl’s Ranch in Payson, Arizona.  We visited there last summer and had such a wonderful time we went back.  This year we went with DFs Evon and Barb and Stu.  Our rooms all lined up facing the pool […]

You Can Cook in a White Kitchen?

Oh, that’s not a question, that should be a statement. You can cook in a white kitchen. I wanted a white kitchen for as long as I can remember and when we remodeled, that dream came true. But a white kitchen for cooking. I never really wanted to do that. I wanted to serve chardonnay […]

A Few New Purchases

It feels like I went a really long time without purchasing anything that wasn’t related to a project we were doing.  After all, stores weren’t open and I wasn’t going anywhere. Now stores are sort of open, but I’m still not going anywhere. BUT.  Yep, I broke down last week.  I actually, embarrassingly, got a […]