Breakfast Bar Beadboard

The polar bear paint was not even dry on the walls and I came up with a new project.  One to do with a saw and a nail gun and measuring and paint.  And a visit to Home Depot.  So of course, the project wasn’t for me.  The beautifully white breakfast bar was doomed to […]

Post Paint Pick Up

Well, the house is freshly painted in the new Polar Bear color and we are both happy with the way it turned out. And now.  Comes the post paint pick up and put back together part.  Which took the entire weekend. Sunday was rainy so honey-dos were not so painful.  And having the TV going […]

White Paint

Is white the new gray?  Well, after much deliberation over the entire summer, we chose a new paint color for our common areas.  And.  We chose white.  Yep, the boring color we have avoided over so many years.  Gray interiors have dominated recently, but this year, many designers have been choosing different shades of white.  […]

Baked Gluten Free Pumpkin Donuts

Since canned pumpkin seems difficult to procure and since I opened a can for my homemade pumpkin latte, I didn’t want to waste an ounce of what I had left over. So I made gluten-free pumpkin donuts in my adorable champagne colored mini donut pan. Sally’s Baking Addiction has never given me a bad recipe, […]

September TJ Maxx Finds

No full-fledge fall decorating around here yet.  I like to dip my toe into seasonal decorating, and it’s way too early for pumpkins and leaves.  But I took a little gander around TJ Maxx this weekend and here are a couple of September finds I thought I’d share. Some I purchased, some I did not.  […]

Electric Bike

Remember the recent post about my bicycle?  I really love toodling around on my bike with no agenda.  And as I mentioned, I don’t bike for exercise, just for pleasure. Except for the part where my buns are in misery on Day 2, and then Day 3 never happens. Somehow the pleasure gets lost along […]

The Perfect Running Shoe and a New Shoe Rack

Always on the hunt for the perfect running shoe and now I have a new shoe rack to home them after my morning exercise. New Balance Running Shoe Fresh Foam More 2 is my latest purchase in the search for running shoes.  As each year goes by, the miles spent running decreases, but I still […]

Celebrating Late Summer

Have you noticed the shorter days yet?  Can you sleep in just a tad later because it’s not bright and sunny at 4:30 a.m. with birds chirping?  And the cats getting twitter pated? Can you light a candle in the evening because it’s actually dark before you go to bed?  Okay, is it only me […]

Healthy Pumpkin Almond Milk Latte

Does the advent of Labor Day usher in pumpkin season?  Judging by the fact that three grocery stores we visited were out of pumpkin, I think I might be behind the eight ball already. DF Evon finally found some when she was out and picked up a couple of cans for me so I could […]

Around Town

“Around Town” is my code for we didn’t do much this weekend. I was feeling pretty lazy.  But downtime is good, right? In fact, Sunday was so lazy I didn’t even work out. Not one minute. Didn’t leave my house. Come Monday the piper had to be paid though. I’ll be looking for the ibuprofen […]