Leisure Pets Recipes Shopping

Winter Patio and Excellent Online Customer Service

A bit warmer, dryer weather led to a winter patio spruce up.  My honest report on some excellent online customer service after all the holiday hoopla!

The holidays gifted us with a lot of rain.  I pulled all the cushions under the patio cover and we hunkered inside for about a week.

The firepit beckons me on our lovely, but cool nights.  So.  I got out there with the trusty blower and a bucket of sudsy water to get everything cleaned up.  Again.

Winter Patio Refresh

And.  We got some adorable pansies to freshen up the flower pots.  Much of our trailing vinca made it through the cold, but a lot of it looked bad and is scraggly looking.  I cut that back and added the pansies and voila. 

Pansies probably won’t last too long once it starts to warm up so I’ll add some other colorful plants soon.

Early evening fire and a glass of wine with a snuggly blanket surely was lovely.  Pretty good way to pass the winter.

Online Customer Service

Roxy has needed prescription food for the past year so I’ve ordered that from Chewy.  Their service has been great with free 1-3 day shipping on orders over $49.  Which isn’t hard to do when ordering prescription food.

Unconnected with any order, Roxy received a birthday card in the mail.  Inside there was a hand-written note which was so sweet.  You can see she was quite unimpressed.

Confidentially, Roxy is adopted and we’re not quite sure when her actual birthday is, but we’ll go with Chewy.

I love sharing good shopping experiences and companies I recommend.  Happy to pass along this one.

What I’m Eating

Eating Well magazine came through with another recipe this month.  I am amazed because that magazine has had absolutely nothing I would eat since I got the subscription last year.  Odd ingredients and combinations I cannot imagine anyone eating.

But.  This month they had a recipe for Crispy Small-Batch Chocolate Chip Cookies.  My batch didn’t come out in the least bit crispy, but they were quite good and easy to make.

The fact that it is made in one bowl with very little mess is the most appealing part. 

I don’t have ¼ teaspoon (thanks to my spoon-eating garbage disposal) so I whipped out my new Pampered Chef adjustable measuring spoon and used it for the first time. 

I subbed gluten-free flour in so hub could immediately eat them all.

What I’m Reading

Well, who cares really?  This little snuggle bunny Kinsey is getting more affectionate and squeezed into the extra chair space while I was reading by the fire.  So cute.

I especially like that whatever it is I’m reading  shows a capital letter “K” – as in Kinsey.

Book reviews next post, I promise.

Wrap Up

Second week of January is in the books – my goodness.

We have some big changes around here this year.  I have decided to re-retire and am coming up on my last few days at work.  My job has been a true blessing in my life, but it’s time for me to move on.

I can’t wait to share our upcoming plans and hope you’ll continue to walk along with me.

God bless you and yours and have a wonderful weekend.