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Kitchen Bar Stools

The time came to say goodbye to our kitchen bar stools.  It was another hard parting, much like the dining room we recently changed.

Our old counter-height stools were the perfect height, the perfect foot rest, perfect match with the kitchen dining set.

But.  They were old.  And apparently not made to last.  The seat beds were breaking down and giving way.

Here is a pic of our old stools.  And if you look carefully you’ll see the tail of a very naughty kitten on top of the kitchen table.  Yep, that’s what I deal with around here.

We recovered the seats several times and the last fabric (which is also now on our kitchen chairs) is my absolute favorite.  The fabric was a special order so I doubt we’ll ever see that again in my lifetime.

And so the hunt began for new barstools.  We sat on several from Pottery Barn, World Market and Home Goods.  Meh.

The object was to straddle a new more contemporary look with our current French country kitchen table.  Which I’m not quite ready to get rid of, by the way.

Purchasing furniture online is risky.  When you’re really short and would like to be able to sit somewhat comfortably.  And have your feet touch the footrest.

However, I’ve had really good luck purchasing from Wayfair.  The prices are right, the shipping costs are zero, and oftentimes there is little to no assembly needed.

Since we weren’t finding anything in the stores, I took the plunge at searching through the bazillion options on Wayfair.

Low and behold, from the Kelly Clarkson line, I found a stool that has the exact flair I was looking for.

The Avah Bar and Counter Stools are gorgeous, came in just a couple of days.  And best of all, all three that I needed in the color I wanted were available at the open box outlet price saving over $100 per chair.  And the stools were already super affordable.

I’m still getting used to seeing them alongside the kitchen table chairs, but I think the look will be just fine.

Another score from Wayfair.

Oh, yeah, and they’re Roxy approved.

What I’m Eating

DFs Shira and Gordon came for dinner this week.  We have not seen them all summer so it was wonderful catching up and trading adventure stories.

John grilled a tri tip that I had marinated in the Santa Maria style.  He also decided he wanted to go to the work of making potatoes au gratin which roughly follows SkinnyTaste’s version, but with about  10 X the cheese that makes it “skinny.”

Everything turned out delish.

Since we were having a pretty heavy meal, I did a simple appetizer of Boursin and my favorite Trader Joe’s Strawberry and Jalapeno crackers.  Man, those puppies are ADDICTING.

I got to use my new autumn cheese board DF Terry gave me when I visited a couple weeks ago in OKC.  Isn’t it adorable?

I love my friends!

What I’m Reading

I purchased the Kindle version of The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser who is a biblical scholar.  It’s really well written and easy to understand, but pretty mind blowing.  I just read a bit a day so I can process it and meditate on it.

Just for fun I’m reading The Eleventh Man by an old favorite author Ivan Doig.  I’ll report back, but it has me in its grip already.

Wrap Up

And just like that, here we are in September.  What?!  Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and please let me know if you’re doing anything fun.