Laundry Room Refresh

For the past, ummmm, few WEEKS, Iā€™ve been hinting I have a little remodel project to share with you.  But.  Week after week. Nothing.  Probably like many of you, weā€™ve been suffering from the shortages and shipping problems plaguing the world.  So what started out as a quick little refresh turned into our laundry room […]

Small Organizing Projects

We don’t have any large-scale organization projects on the list this year, but we have been taking some tiny bites out of areas that somehow got crazy messed up since our last good clean out. Office Desk I like to think of myself as a neat person. Sort of a clean person without being a […]

Quick Organization Projects

Wow, I donā€™t think I really have the energy for any big organization projects right now, because we did a few small, quick organization projects this week and Iā€™m pooped! Let me count the pooped ways.  The house became a MESS while we were in the midst of our projects so I cleaned early Friday […]

Stowing Christmas

Hey, buddies, how are you doing?  Hanging in there?  Wishing this was over?  Having a restful, peaceful time?  Totally stressed out?  A little of all of the above? Many are happy 2020 is over and looking forward to a better year ahead.  But.  Just in case, I thought it might be a good idea to […]

Pantry Organization

We have done so many household projects this year and now itā€™s time to do them all over again.Ā  Pantry organization is back in the rotation. It’s hard to stay on top of keeping the pantry organized.Ā  Especially since we are in and out of there all day, every day. It wasnā€™t in terrible shape, […]

Fall Patio and Fire Table

Itā€™s finally the time of year we can start enjoying more time on the patio.  You know a little heat doesnā€™t keep me indoors and Iā€™ve mentioned how our misters make a big difference in the brutal heat of the summer.  However, October is really the month those of us in Arizona revel in.Ā  So […]

How We Wrangled the Mess Under the Sink

We (by which I mostly mean John) have been doing some projects around the house and I thought I would share them. Most of our cabinets were upgraded a couple of years ago with roll-out racks to make access easier, but under our sinks was never addressed.Ā  Those places are just black holes of Calcutta.Ā  […]

Budget Patio Refresh

This time of year we would like to continue using our patio, but we need to refresh things a bit so it’s workable in the high heat. In addition to that, my patio stuff was looking a bit tired, if not downright shabby and I want a little spruce up. It always amazes me how […]

Laundry Day

Like many empty nesters, laundry day isnā€™t an overwhelming chore in our house.  I usually do laundry just twice a week and with our huge capacity washing machine, it may only be one or two loads at that.  And with the price of our water, thatā€™s a good thing. I am sharing my laundry routines […]

My Top Uses for Decorative Hooks

I am a sucker for a pretty hook.Ā  I know, isnā€™t that crazy?Ā  I love to have unruly things organized and have found that using hooks helps me round up things in a pretty way.Ā  Iā€™m sharing my top uses for decorative hooks. Ear Bud Round Up After using earbuds, I like to coil them […]