Home Organization Leisure

Small Organizing Projects

We don’t have any large-scale organization projects on the list this year, but we have been taking some tiny bites out of areas that somehow got crazy messed up since our last good clean out.

Office Desk

I like to think of myself as a neat person. Sort of a clean person without being a germaphobe. I don’t want to be obnoxious. At all.

How Did My Desk Get Like This?

But really. My desk. My tiny little island where I spend most of my day. Good grief, was it a mess.

I took everything out, laid it all out on the desk and sorted, discarded and placed a much-reduced cache back in the drawers. Ahhh, I love it when they look like this.

Ahh, Much Better

Office Table

Well, shoot, while I was at it, I thought I might was well clean out the side table in my office. Another old laptop for the electronics Go Green trash event. And all sorts of old cords and cables.

Guest Room Closet

Some wild hair got the hub deciding to get rid of old electronics in the guest room closet. Then it morphed into getting rid of most of the extra hard wood flooring in there too.

And some old artwork. And a few other things

Dragging Everything Out of the Closet

The closet is still not ready for guests any time soon, but we probably won’t be hosting anyone for a while anyway.

Shoe Rack

Someone in our house has a lot of shoes. Tennis shoes. And, um, it’s not me. Hub’s been looking for a good solution for a while and keeps coming back empty handed. What, leaving the Container Store with nothing?

Shoe Solution

But, while at At Home, he found this closet door-mounted rack and it fits a lot of shoes and gets them organized and off the floor. We have really tall doors, so not sure the top will get used much.

Oh, and by the way, he has a whole other shoe rack with MORE tennis shoes. This is not all of them.

What I’m Reading

On audio I listened to The Road by Cormac McCarthy.  This Pulitzer Prize winner has been on my radar for a while, but dystopia was not appealing.  I finally took the plunge and I’m so glad I did. Regardless of all the depression in the world, I really liked this book.

In print I read the first of a series new to me.  Immoral a Jonathan Stride Novel by Brian Freeman has been compared to works by Dennis Lehane and Michael Connelly.  Well, that might be a bit of a stretch.  

I felt like it might have been more a walk down the author’s sexual fantasy lane. How many middle age men get hot women in the sack the same day they meet them? How much cheating can go on and still be appealing?

The online reviews are good, but I’m not picking up another.

What We’re Doing

Crazy to think about this, but we’ve been basically playing pickle ball every Sunday for the most of a year. Except last Sunday. We got rained out. Amazing to think that’s how much dry weather we’ve had this year.

So I got a lot of stuff done around the house and spent some time with a book. I know, shocking.

We continue to work on puzzles. And Roxy continues to assist.

That Cat

John found Noah’s Ark at Costco and we found a smaller (500 piece) puzzle at TJ Maxx. The bigger pieces made it seem elementary. We’re so used to hard puzzles anymore.


Best Life Ever. Have I already mentioned this? While in Flagstaff a couple weeks ago, I found a pair of socks and envelope with a note and a sticker on a fire hydrant in a parking lot.


It was a pair of purple men’s socks with the BLE logo. BLE is a Flagstaff non-profit dedicated to random acts of kindness. They exist to brighten people’s days. It worked! My day was bright.

And then it double worked because I gave the socks to my husband when I got home. What a very sweet surprise. The sticker lives on my bulletin board where it cheers me daily.

BLE Surprise

I’m still knocking out kitchen and bathroom drawers, reorganizing a little here and there. I’ll be done by the time I need to start over again.

Have a good weekend, and I hope you are productive. And if you’re not productive, I hope you’re rested.