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Waking Up With Fall

Are you enjoying fall where you are?  It seems to be everyone’s favorite season.  And while I won’t claim it for myself, I will share my fall morning routine.  In other words, waking up with fall.

I like waking up all my senses and this is how.

Open It

The mornings are finally crisp.  It’s so nice to open up the windows and doors and let in fresh air, a little bird song and a slight breeze.

The cats are overjoyed with open doors.  There is a lot of activity going on they need to track.

Brew It

My Fellow insulated cup, a hefty spinkle of cinnamon and some frothed half and half make my fall morning joe delightful.

Of course, this is the exact same brew I drink every other morning of the year, but these mornings it feels even a little more special. 

Maybe because I’m drinking it while it’s still dark outside?

Light It

Speaking of dark outside, mornings are the perfect time for some soft light.  Like a tea light candle, my beloved candle warmer and the fantastic rechargeable under counter lights.

It’s nice to wake up my sight senses slowly with pools of light in the kitchen instead of glaring can lights.

Smell it

I had a half of a leftover apple so I sliced it up, added some cinnamon powder and cinnamon stick, a few cloves, nutmeg and a touch of vanilla extract to a small pot of water for a fall simmer pot.

I usually start my diffusers in the morning with Santal, but it’s a special treat when apple and cinnamon are brewing.

It’s like dessert with no calories!

YouTube It

If you have a smart TV or want something pleasant on your laptop for a fall morning, try an ambiance channel.

I played an autumn front porch video.  Lapping water, a crackling fire and singing birds are the audio.  The fall mountain scene includes beautiful trees, lake, a tabby and a steaming drink.  I want to be there!

The Alley of Ambiance Channel

Wrap Up

Do you “wake up” your house in the morning?  BTW, I put mine to bed at night too.

Gentle fall mornings are the best.  Um, right behind invigorating spring mornings!

Let’s face it, I love mornings.  And I like to make them as special as I can.

What are you doing to enjoy this autumn?

Thanks for joining me in my home this morning.  God bless you and yours.

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