Sneak in Some Squats

Thank you for joining me on the last day of my December Fit Challenge. We’ve done a pretty good job so far, but to keep on track the last few days, I’m going to sneak in some squats. The best thing about squats is that you can get an easy set of 20-30 in just […]

Treat Yourself

Welcome back to the December Fit Challenge and in hopes of keeping you (and myself) motivated, we’re going to talk about how you can treat yourself this time of year. Has the crunch hit you yet? I’m starting to feel it a bit. Double and triple booked for a week. And that hasn’t happened in […]

Chores Count

Welcome back to the December Fit Challenge. Today I want to remind you that if you have a lot of physical demands now, chores count! All exercise doesn’t have to happen in the gym. A good balance of spending time with friends, eating a bit too much, drinking a bit too much and the dreaded […]

Tighten Your Abs

Welcome to another December Fit Challenge. Today I’m concentrating on my go-to ab routine. Disclaimer: It’s possible to tighten your abs and still have a little pooch, so don’t be discouraged and join me if you will! Can you believe it’s already the 8th of December? This month goes by extra quickly and we’re taking […]

Move it Outside

For today’s December Fit Challenge, let’s move it outside! I know, it’s challenging getting outdoors in December. But there are so many benefits, it’s worth it. Even here in Arizona, I’ve been wearing my cozy puffer jacket, headband and gloves for early morning walks to the gym. And I’m hoofing it. No lollygagging when it’s […]