Question for you. Are you a steamer? Or are you an ironer? It seems like people are in one camp or the other.
Older people (such as myself) like a good hot iron, a spray bottle of water and a dose of stiff starch.
Younger people (so I’ve heard) prefer to steam. It gets the wrinkles out without making clothes look too creased.

I cannot even tell you how old my iron is. At least 20 years old. It still works fine. I try to use it lightly 😉. Ha.

And my bottle of spray starch? They might not even make that anymore.

I recently bought the cutest pair of white jeans (I know, my 300th pair) and guess what? They need to be ironed after washing! It is distinctly against my religion to iron jeans. But what am I to do. I bit the bullet and ironed them.
Here’s the picture from Talbots.

But the new hot pink blouse. No ironing that fabric. But it comes out of the wash super wrinkled. Steamer to the rescue.

The steamer I have is now on the spring sale at Amazon and is a best seller. (I’m not an affiliate, but linking for convenience.)
I’m not sure the best technique for steaming, but I hang my garment while still on the hanger on my towel rack and run the steamer over it.
If you have a better technique, please share it here!
Laundry Day
Do you do your ironing/steaming on ironing day? Or do you let it build up for a bit? Like I do.
What do you iron? Your sheets, your exercise clothes, your night clothes? I know some of you do. You’re just that kinda people.
I might be a bit of the lazier kinda people.
But I do like my crispy, hung-on-the-line sheets. Like I get when the weather is so perfect.

What I’m Eating
As you know, I’ve been TRYING to get my eating on track and that’s been up and down this week. Such a boring meal, but I grilled chicken breasts on the Foreman grill added rice, asparagus and sliced tomato. The fresh vegetables were the best part.
The Foreman is great for completely cooking a piece of meat in less than 10 minutes. That thing is quick!

The chicken breasts were part of our Seven Sons meat box order. What I really like about them is they are the size of what actual chickens should be. Not chickens with pecs the size of Arnold.
I just placed an order for a chicken box and I’ll report back on that.
What I’m Reading
My newest Orphan X came in from the library. I did not stop at Go, nor did I collect $200. I drove straight to the library 15 minutes before they closed and picked up my treasure. Every other book is put aside.
I’m almost done but so far it is not disappointing. Now I’m sad I’ll have to wait another year for the next one.
If you’re not reading this series, but you liked Reacher back in the day, give it a try. And join the Evan Smoak fan club.

Wrap Up
Do you have any weekend plans? We tend to stay close to home on the weekends to avoid road closures and all the traffic heading to recreational areas.
But since we love where we live, that’s not a sacrifice.
My sister Susie is traveling via the California Zephyr from Colorado to the San Juan Islands. One of her stops is in Roseville, California where my sister Monique lives. That means my sisters will be together without me. I’m so happy for them and so dang mad they’ll be having fun and laughing without me.

This is near Winter Park, Colorado. Just between you and me, spring in the Rockies isn’t the greatest. I really only want to see that place in high summer!
What ever you are doing, God bless you and yours.
Hi I’m sorry to hear you will miss the San Juans. Magical!
My iron ALWAYS spits water out of the side which makes me really mad. Twice a year. I have that same steamer. I do not let my clothes sit in the dryer so they wrinkle, sometimes that helps. I’m with you tho, jeans are not meant to be ironed except white. Keep up the good work!
I iron my sheets and pillow cases and some of my jeans, Bob’s shirts if they don’t get folded out of the dryer. Bob “does the laundry” and the folding part is hit and miss. Time to edit the closet hanging clothes when the ironed shirts get wrinkled by new additions to the bar. Don’t you agree that the 20 suits that haven’t been worn in 15years need to find a new home?