When ya find a good thing ya just don’t want to let it go. Am I right? I’ll hold onto my favorites for a long time. But really. There are things I’m replacing sooner this year. I’m resolving!
Perhaps my life would be a smidge better if I wasn’t worried about slipping on a wet sidewalk or about mascara crumbling on my face or about catching my finger in a hole in my blanket.
Stay tuned as I lay open bare the most embarrassing things I’m replacing sooner starting now.
Okay, I will not be going into the underwear scenario, so don’t tune out yet.
Running Shoes
On New Year’s Day (can it have been over a month ago already?) we had a warm and gentle rain so I went out for a little run. My back pain was bearable then and I had no idea where that pain was heading. So looking back, I’m glad I took this run to celebrate the New Year.
Nobody wants to take brand new shoes out through mud puddles and standing water for a rainy run. But honestly. I have two favorite pairs of running shoes and they are both over a year old. Not enough tread for slippery surfaces.
Those may not seem that old, but in dog years, they are around 100.
It’s my resolution to replace my shoes more frequently. When I find a comfy pair of shoes I never want to let them go. Even when they have no tread.
And no tread running in rain can make for a slippery sidewalk. And one thing a woman my age doesn’t need is a fall.
I’ve replaced my trusty New Balance with the Fresh Foam X880v12. Why did I not do this sooner? Because my feet, ankles, knees, you name it, don’t trust new shoes. They frequently DO NOT work out.

But these are comfy, supportive and I have had so many compliments on them. Compliments on running shoes?
I know. But the color which you might peg as periwinkle if you have a good imagination is really “Night air with Libra and night sky.”
I am committing to replacing my Asics this month as well so I have two new alternating pairs and retire my beloved old pair.
Sometimes I’m a sucker to marketing or influencers who have found the BEST new mascara (or this or that) and then I end up owning a few too many tubes and lose track of how old they get.
Because the tubes are still pretty full you know I’m not throwing them away.
And then about an hour after applying my makeup I catch a glimpse in the mirror and see crumbly mascara on my cheeks.
Good grief.
So I’m cutting down on the selection and keeping one tube so I can better control how long I’m keeping it.
This Tartelette is my latest tube. I’ll probably try something different next time.

Bedding and Linen
This is really a hard one for me because I hate waste. And why get rid of a perfectly good set of towels just because they are no longer perfectly white?
Or sheets just because they have the smallest tear?
Or a blankie that is more holes than wool because it is more than 60 years old? (Yeah, don’t worry that blankie isn’t going anywhere!).
More to worry about is the blanket that is actually on my bed and not stored on a closet shelf. Because that sucker lets little feathers out sometimes.
That blanket was purchase long, long ago and I would no longer knowingly buy anything with feathers, I can’t seem to let that sacrifice go to waste.
What is your opinion on that?
I have tried a lot of bedding and towels and at the end of the day; Costco wins out.
I’ll put together a post in a couple weeks dedicated my 2023 linen replacement, but in a nutshell, I prefer crisp sheets to soft sheets. Never rough or pilling sheets, mind you.
The Kirkland 680 Thread Count sheets are the perfect balance of weight and softness. I have been purchasing these for years and have never been disappointed.
For a set of king sheets, they come in under a hundred bucks and that’s a deal in my book.
When the Charisma towel sets go on sale, I’ll pick up a new set and replace our current ones. They are nothing fancy, but really good quality and last far longer than I need them to.
These old towels in our linen closet look perfectly fine, but they are years old and don’t always smell as fresh out of the laundry as I would like.

The beach towels are also from Costco and they are going nowhere. They are like roaches and will never die.
Wrap Up
Things are getting very busy in our neck of the woods this month. Golf tournaments, the Super Bowl, concerts. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and our visitors will all have a great time. Except the teams who lose, of course.
Remember the pic of Evon’s poor Cady after her little mouth surgery? Well, she had a salon day this week and look how perky and adorable she is now!

Enjoy your week and I hope spring is starting to visit where ever you are too.
Great advice Corine…I could work on a bunch of replacements myself…..like towels…..surely the humane society could use them, for a new life. Did you get a dog? So cute……I love your blog, as it makes me feel close to you. Enjoy!! Helen
Corine good for you. I look when i’m out but, which is not much. so far I have seen POLYESTER towels or poly blends. Same for sheets. No thank you. Are your Costco sheets cotton?
The sheets are 100% USA Pima Cotton. FACT: Pima County (where Tucson is located) is one of the largest cotton growers in the US!