October 2023 Potpourri

Chatting about this and that for October 2023 Potpourri before the month completely gets away from us. Sedona We took a quick trip to Sedona this week to enjoy the mountain views and perfect weather.  The trees are barely starting to show some yellow, so itā€™s more like late summer there right now. Itā€™s been […]

October Entertaining

October entertaining in Phoenix is so easy.  The weather can be nearly perfect, there are activities galore and between stunning natural beauty and so many cute decorations, it really is the most wonderful time of the year. Last week I posted all the activities around getting ready for guests.  It has been so long since […]

Four Things Iā€™m Happy I Gave Up

All in all, this quarantine is not happy, and it is emotionally and mentally challenging for everyone.  However, bright side, there are some things I am better off without.  What about you? Mascara I havenā€™t worn mascara for well over a month now.  Being a lifetime wearer, I never thought mascara would be something I […]

Exploring Arizona High Country

Many people find their happy place near the ocean or forest, and while I do not question that, my happy place is the mountains.  Arizona was such an easy choice when we decided to move to warmer weather because not only is the Sonoran desert spectacular most of the year, the mountains call my name […]