Grating and Storing Cheddar Cheese

Purchasing pre-shredded packages of cheese is expense, contains added chemicals and is not very tasty.  But, I do it. Because itā€™s convenient. Please.  Itā€™s not that hard to shred some cheese. And then I had the great (no pun intended) idea to get the gargantuan block of cheddar from Costco and grate up the whole […]

Winter Patio and Excellent Online Customer Service

A bit warmer, dryer weather led to a winter patio spruce up.  My honest report on some excellent online customer service after all the holiday hoopla! The holidays gifted us with a lot of rain.  I pulled all the cushions under the patio cover and we hunkered inside for about a week. The firepit beckons […]

Electric Bike

Remember the recent post about my bicycle?  I really love toodling around on my bike with no agenda.  And as I mentioned, I donā€™t bike for exercise, just for pleasure. Except for the part where my buns are in misery on Day 2, and then Day 3 never happens. Somehow the pleasure gets lost along […]

My Most Loved Kitchen Gadgets

Donā€™t you just love it when something works the way itā€™s supposed to?  And it lasts forever?  And you use it on a regular basis ā€“ maybe even daily?  Since weā€™re all spending so much time in the kitchen, and since I am the queen of shortcuts, I thought I would share with you my […]

Getting Back on Track

We are just back from a two-week road trip, and I cannot lie, we spent a lot of downtime over the weekend recovering.  We had such a wonderful time seeing family and friends and enjoying beautiful scenery.  My usual routine of halfway-healthy eating and exercising regularly was severely compromised.  Excuse #1 on eating: One thing […]