Grab a Buddy

Thanks if you’re joining me for the December Fit Challenge. We’re really counting down now! If you need a little more motivation, grab a buddy and let’s go. Walking, biking or working out is more fun and may hold you more accountable when you do it with a buddy. A buddy can be your spouse, […]

Instapot Brisket and Another Biscuit Recipe

Brisket in the Instapot is new to me, and though we’ve made roast beef, this was the first time for brisket.  As meat goes, brisket is one of my favorite cuts.  I find it’s versatile and it’s best when it’s cooked for a long time. And I like my beef close to burnt.  I can […]

Summer Life Updates and Recommendations

Phew, for somebody with no life, I have a lot to share on today’s post.  I want to share a few updates on my life this summer and make a couple of recommendations. Renewed Commitment to Exercise I might have mentioned before that I am taking a little respite from running this summer.  The number […]

The Perfect Exercise Class?

Like so many others, when all the stars align, I love group exercise classes.  Stars aligning include: A good teacher who keeps the class moving, has good technique, interesting choreography, good music and a pleasing personality The class is at a time when I can attend Includes moves I can actually do I can no […]