Before it gets too late, I wanted to plan some of my Fourth of July supplies and décor. It’s good to know now what I need to purchase. What needs replacing and what I have that can be used for setting a festive Fourth of July table.
And because it’s not always such al fresco weather here around the fourth, I’m setting my Fourth of July table inside.
Here is what I did.
Pulled out what I have.
Any surprise there?
Dishes & Linens
The placemats I bought several months ago from Amazon are so pretty for the price and they go with everything.

My trusty white dishes from World Market serve as a dinner plate and a charger because they are so large.
I thought these scalloped edge plates would be so pretty!
Also from World Market, I used the blue melamine salad dishes I bought several years ago (no longer available).
The new line of bamboo melamine from Walmart that I showed you in this post is teal and not blue, but I thought they also looked pretty on a Fourth of July table.

Remember the napkins my sisters gifted me for my birthday? I love them so much. They are not in-your-face red, white and blue. They are more like a soft denim color and make a subtle touch to the table scape.

Lazy Susan
Extra napkins, salt & pepper shakers, a jar with flatware, a bottle of seltzer and a small flower pot grace the wooden lazy Susan.

Loading up the lazy Susan means I can use all those goodies for a centerpiece. It both saves money and space on the table.
And, since I’m not too tall I don’t have to worry about seeing over a flower arrangement.
If you’re entertaining early in the day, you might not be serving anything alcoholic. For this table, I made a mocktail using the Soda Stream as my base.
I added in about a quarter of the glass with cranberry juice and topped with frozen berries I always keep in the freezer.

Lately, I have been drinking about a pot of decaf iced tea daily. When I use the teabags from Trader Joe’s, I only need one bag for a pot and let it steep 5-10 minutes. It’s then strong enough for iced tea.
When I want to drink it a bit sweeter, I had a couple tablespoons of simple syrup.

Wrap Up
It is so easy to get sucked into the seasonal aisle at the store and pick up décor. Especially if your stuff is getting old and tired like mine is. But this year (once again!) I’m using what I have and enjoying the creative endeavor of making due.

That all is not to say that I’ve been on a spending diet. Because I have not. But, Fourth of July table, you are on notice. Nothing new for you.
Have you made any holidays plans? Hot dogs and potato chips?
God bless you and yours for a wonderful weekend.