Leisure Travel

Oklahoma City Visit

We were so blessed to take a small step out last week (FINALLY) to get out of town to visit friends.

Two really important events took place that brought us out of town. And this post is about our leg in Oklahoma City. 

The event was that DFs Terry and Jerry hosted us in their home. We pretty much laid low, stayed home and played games.  Yep, my life this year is very similar to my life last year. But, in my book, this was an event.

Games of Five Crowns, Skip Bo and dominoes.

Just a little different scenery.  Which I’m going to share here.

Apparently it’s been so long since Terry and Jerry saw us they forgot we are A. Old and B. Smallish.  Neither of us are very big eaters these days, but they had enough food and snacks for a very large party.  Are you believing all this food? And this beautiful presentation? Oh, my word. The love is flowing!

For instance, does anyone need sixteen bags of chips for the evening? For four people?

We hardly made a dent, but it was so delish and so fun.

These are the most generous and loving people EVER.

Not just chips in this house. Oh, no. Their garden has produced cucumbers, tomatoes and jalapenos.  They shared their bounty and I even brought home peppers which I cannot wait to roast.

In addition to two game nights filled with snacks galore, Jerry served as tour guide and we visited some stops on Route 66. We started at an historic red barn.

And then we moved on.

Pops 66 which is described as a destination for food, fuel and fizz.  Yep, combination of gas station, cafĂ© and shop with souvenirs and every flavor soda pop you can imagine. 

Located on historic Route 66 in Arcadia, OK, this unique place is in sort of the middle of nowhere.  And Fantastic.

Pulling in, their “sign” is a giant pop bottle.  AND at night it lights up and changes color.  Truly cool.  No credit for the photo, but here is their post card.

Jerry treated us to some Kitty Piddle and Dog Drool bottles (pineapple orange and orange lemon).  Gross names and fun to offer friends.

Also on Route 66 and even way more in the middle of nowhere is Jerry’s very favorite chicken place in the world.  Really.  Oh, and I can attest their pulled pork and tri tip rate up there pretty high as well.

The Chicken Shack is in Luther, OK, also on Route 66.  It really is a shack and it really is busy and the food was generous and good.

Even though this is not really the kind of food I gravitate to, I had my share of fried okra for the next decade.  It’s kind of fun getting my redneck on.

Terry’s two Shih Tzus (believe me, I had to look up the spelling on that!) are Harley and Piper and are lovey dovey sweethearts. I’m a horrible photographer, but Piper has blue eyes and Harley is teensy. Both adorbs.

Harley is about 17 years old and doesn’t see or hear much these days, but she hung out with us and gave us lots of puppy love.

Terry is an accomplished artist and crafts person. Any cool thing I ever see, I always say, “Terry can make that!” While she was recently under the weather, she crocheted (knitted?) dish cloths. They are really the best. I saw some at the farmer’s market the next day and I think she needs to go in business now!

The weather was actually a little cooler than I thought it would be, but so lovely.  Green grass galore (you know I love a bit of alliteration), bug-free and medium humidity made for lovely days.

Lots of laughter and good times were had.  But mainly it was SO good to see these beloved people, to touch them and kiss them and hug them. I personally gathered up all the good juju I could.

My prayer for you this week is that you are touching someone you love and appreciating every minute of it.  No matter where you are.