This week seemed like equal time in the kitchen and outdoors. I can tell you what I prefer. Zero time in the kitchen.
Darn it, I like to eat.
Nothing earth shattering to report, but here is how we spent our early March week.
Bringing a little outdoors into my kitchen, Traders has daffodils! A sure sign spring is here. $2.99 for a bunch of 20. Remember for years and years they were 99¢?
I just love how the tight little buds start opening the day you get them and by the next morning you have a vase full of happiness.

Fire Blanket
Do you have fire extinguishers in your kitchen? I do and they most likely are 20 years old. I don’t even like to think about them.

But the new trend is the fire blanket. Or new to me. They seem like a much better option if something goes awry in the kitchen.
I picked one up on Temu for less than $6.
We put up a hook in the pantry so we easily access without getting in the way of the stove.

I have to admit, it’s nice knowing it’s there and hopefully I paid off the accidents gods so our home will stay safe forever.
Like the gods we pay when we have to climb a giant ladder to change the fire alarm batteries.
Now for the fun part of my week. The weather was sort of up and down, but we did get out for a nice in-town hike. I’ve shared this hike a couple years ago, but the Dixie Mountain loop is the home to an owl family who annually nest in a giant saguaro right on the trail.
Sure enough she’s in there warming her babies-to-be.

Sorry to torture you with more wildflower pictures, but that is one of the best parts of the hike for me.

The trail wasn’t as green as the hike we took a couple weeks ago since it dried out a bit, but still look at this vista.
These trails will be off limits for us in the summer and we’ll be climbing altitude for cooler places.

We have the cutest little turtles at our community park. They must hibernate in the winter and they are very shy, but I got close enough to a family sunning themselves to snap a picture.

We’ve seen several coyotes lately and friend Jenny had to take care of a rattler in her garden this week. Don’t worry, I won’t share a photo of that!
I’ve heard tale there is a mountain lion roaming our neighborhood. I hope to never see that kitty.
What I’m Reading
It’s been a long time since I’ve read a Justin Cronin. His trilogy starting with The Passage was one of my all-time favorites and I highly recommend. I came across The Ferryman and downloaded it to my Kindle.
The characters in The Passage made it so great for me. The Ferryman didn’t have the same pull, but it was a solid read. It comes in at 560 pages and I read every one of them.
It’s a recommend if you have some time on your hand and want to read a dystopian tale.
The Last Devil to Die is #4 in the Thursday Murder Club series by Richard Osman. Another winner!
On audio I listened to The Golden Spoon by Jessa Maxwell. It was narrated by four or more people, so it was easy to keep the voices separate. The premise was a little different for a murder mystery – baking contestants in a secluded mansion. Not bad.
Wrap Up
Thank you for your comments and messages about the outdoor furniture. Connie summed it up brilliantly. She said she’d rather take that amount of money and use it enjoying a trip to Europe. Then buy patio furniture when she’s no longer able to go out and experience.
I’m going to try to get that mindset too!
And not look out my window at my old furniture 😉 .
Anything fun on the horizon for the weekend? Please share with us any fun plans!
Yeah! Glad to know it is daffodil time at Trader Joe’s!
Ready for my second batch!
Hi Corine/ my husband is with the boys so I am cooking for myself and decided it was 5:00 somewhere. Cheers !🍸 . Still cold here but snow is melting!
Cheers! Five o’clock no longer applies to us!
I purchased seven of the fire blankets last Christmas. Each of the son’s family got two. One to take camping the other for the kitchen. I’ve got one hanging in my pantry just in case.
Brilliant! Need them in my car!