Happy weekend and thank you for checking in on the December Fit Challenge. By now in the holiday season, you might be overwhelmed and considering skipping exercise. So just do the minimum.
Okay. So that’s a bit misleading.
What I really mean is do the minimum and add one thing. It’s really easy to do and helps maximize an otherwise blah workout.
Here’s what I do.
The Minimum
Let’s say a 30 minute walk is all I can (or want) to squeeze in. Even if the weather is chilly being outdoors and getting some fresh air and sunshine makes my day MUCH better.

So that’s the minimum exercise I’m getting today.
Then Add One Thing
After the walk I’m warmed up and feel a little more energized so I’m going to add 50 sit ups.

Well, that only took an extra minute.
And Then One More
So I’m going to add some stretches and maybe the knee exercises my physical therapist insists I do each day.
Now I’ve maximized a minimal workout.
And I can go about a busy and full day.
Wrap Up
I hope you’re feeling motivated and healthy and happy this holiday.