Simple Ideas For Keeping Busy & Productive at Home

This has been a busy week for me and a slow week for the hub.Ā  Heā€™s SUPPOSED to be resting his knee due to a stress fracture for two weeks.Ā  Heā€™s been sort of up and down with that, but it means I get to do all the fun chores around the house and still […]

A Spring Fling? Nah, Just a Spring Clean

Weather must be getting beautiful everywhere, right?Ā  So that coupled with forced down time inspired me to get a little spring cleaning in.Ā  Iā€™m going to share some of my tips and tricks here.Ā  Disclaimer:Ā  I am no expert.Ā  I am just a bit of a neat freak (OCD?) with bad fingernails and arthritis, looking […]

The leaves are budding out in the park

A New Week in Quarantine

Anyone else feel super energized and ready to take on another week in quarantine? Um, no? Too much pantry time, TV time and cocktail time? Yep, me too. But, here’s a wrap up of my last week and hoping this week in quarantine is a little more productive. What Iā€™m Reading CorineAtoZ is a participant […]

Take a Breath

Okay.Ā  Anyone else shaking their head and wondering how we got here?Ā  Take a deep breath, say a prayer or spend five minutes in meditation (watch a kitten video?).Ā  And now, during this time when we need one another more than ever, we are supposed to ā€œsocial distance.ā€Ā  Iā€™m trying to make small, significant changes […]

Lucky Four Leaf Clover

Super Easy Corned Beef & Cabbage

Do you celebrate what I call ethnic (but PC would probably prefer ā€œculturalā€) celebrations?Ā  I do, especially if they involve eating.Ā  And luckily for me, most holidays revolve around food!Ā  Of course, everyone knows the menu for Thanksgiving and Christmas, maybe even Passover and Easter.Ā  But some of the lesser celebrations ā€“ well Iā€™m all […]

How to Build a Delicious (and Healthy!)Pizza

We hosted our first patio happy hour Friday night with DF Helen.  It might have been a bit more than happy hour, because we added an assemble-yourself pizza bar, so I guess you can call it dinner.  Can pizza be delicious and healthy? Well, we built and grilled them on the patio. I can attest […]

5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Spring Workouts & Stay Motivated

While the weather might not be perfect for outdoor workouts quite yet, in most places it is slowly improving, and getting some fresh air and a little sunshine feels so good.Ā  Here in Arizona, the Texas Laurel is in full bloom and smells like heaven. So now is the perfect time to re-motivate yourself and […]

My Favorite Detectives (and Honorable Mentions)

Mysteries are by far and away my favorite reading genre and I have so many favorite series detectives.Ā  I donā€™t care if the novels are violent and trashy, bring it on!Ā  Strangely, I donā€™t like that in movies, but in books, I do.Ā  Go figure. To qualify as one my top favorite detectives means that […]

How to Organize a Beverage Station

Weight-loss and healthy-living articles all tout the benefits of getting enough liquid and how most people donā€™t get enough water.Ā  That is not my story.Ā  I love beverages. My day starts with a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of sea salt. I love that drink. Closely following, is my […]

My So-Called Beauty Routine

This is the third blog post Iā€™ve started for this week.  Everything I have wanted to write about keeps bogging me down and feels too weighty for this place and this time.  I really want to write about something a little more substantial than our good weather, but it keeps coming back to that. With […]