Birthday Trip

A fun fact many of you already know.  Hub and I celebrate our birthdays 10 days apart.  That makes us both Aries, by the way.  Are we supposed to be compatible? This year we decided to take a birthday trip and are both celebrating big in Hawaii. If the plane ride wasn’t so dang long, […]

What to Pack for an Airbnb Stay

The way I travel there are two ways to pack for an Airbnb (or other vacation rental) stay.  One is when taking a road trip.  In that case, there is a lot of room, no luggage limitations and we pack everything – up to the kitchen sink. If you want to see the packing we […]

Summer Travel Wrap Up

Just in time to be home for Labor Day, we have completed our road trips. Not only our adventures, but friends have also shared some of their pics. So here is the summer travel wrap up for 2023. Show Low Our last trip of the season was a visit to our dear friends Sara and […]

Colorado Mountains

The second leg of our August 2023 road trip landed us in the Colorado mountains on the Western Slope and then on to the base of Pike’s Peak. Here’s what we did. Cortez Our first stop was dinner and a hotel in Cortez a small town near Mesa Verde National Park (which we did not visit […]

2023 Road Trip – Northern Arizona National Parks

One benefit to being a senior (ahem, of which there are darn few!) is the ability to purchase a lifetime National Parks pass for a one-time fee of $80. Let me tell you, it is worth it!  Not only do we plan big trips to see a big park (such as the Grand Canyon) it […]

California Road Trip

We packed up Big Red for another road trip last week.  This time we took a trip to California for hub’s family reunion. The trip to the Bay Area from Phoenix Metro is a long ol’ drive.  But three generations of Lulis men had the opportunity to love on their family thanks to John’s sister […]

Summer Mini Vacations

More than a staycation and less than a long road trip, we have been taking mid-week mini vacations this summer and it’s been great! I have mentioned before that many of our friends are taking fantastic trips and I am so happy to hear about their travels. I’ve had a long and iffy time with […]

Death Valley National Park

Well, here it is May and we just took our first road trip is 2023.  Scratching off a “must-do” from the short list, we visited Death Valley National Park. Billed as the Hottest, Driest and Lowest national park, it might not seem too inviting.  But none of that deterred us and I’m so glad it […]

Arches and Canyonlands National Parks

Maybe our last road trip for 2022 was a visit to Moab, Utah to see Arches and Canyonlands National Parks. Here are a few highlights. We loaded up Big Red once again and hit the highway for another adventure. Moab, Utah has been on my shortlist to visit for quite some time, but national park […]

A Little Summer Travel

The blessing of visiting family, friends and new places came our way and today I’m sharing a little summer travel.  I’ll try not to bore you with all the details like a travelogue, but here is a bit of what we did early on this season. There was a lot of fun hanging around home […]