Air Fried Pork Chops

Any sort of pork is not on our normal menu around here.  Except for.  Umm.  Bacon.  Should that really be classified as pork? But this week air fried pork chops made it into the rotation. The occasional babyback ribs or pork loin will show up, but not really pork chops.  Hub likes them way more […]

Dried Orange Slices

Dried orange slices at Christmas time are so beautiful as natural tree ornaments, garland embellishments, and drink garnishes. I am blessed in life to have friends and family who are beautiful and talented and smart and funny.  All very important traits.  And most of them are creative and artistic.  That’s where they leave me in […]

My Top Tips for Staying Zen During Christmas

Okay, so maybe Zen and Christmas don’t really go in the same sentence, but as much as everyone wants to enjoy the holidays, I think we all want a little peace too.  So here are my top tips for staying Zen during this Christmas season. Tip #1 – Stop! 🛑 If you’re doing something that […]

Simple Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

If you’re in need of some warm comfort food, here’s a recipe for simple homemade chicken pot pie.  And it will also work if you have some leftover turkey you need to use up! To lighten this recipe, filling goes into a bowl and pie crust is only used on the top.  The contrast between […]

Curried Butternut Soup

This is a strange, but true story.  I won a cooking contest.  Yep.  I know, so hard to believe!  And Curried Butternut Soup was the winning entry. Here’s the backstory.  I worked in the Surgery Department for a large hospital and for some reason OR, Same Day Surgery and Endoscopy all got together and put […]

Sunday Football and Taco Soup

Is football a Sunday tradition in your house?  If relaxing and catching a game or two is on your Sunday agenda, you might want to try this recipe for Taco Soup next week.  It’s super simple, crockpot friendly and makes a nice, large batch. Sundays are not such a restful day around here.   There’s pickleball […]

Pear Salad

The bounty of fall means yummy dishes and drinks flavored with pumpkin or squash or apple.  But wait, don’t forget about the subtle pear.  Pears get overlooked, but can add so much to the seasonal salad. On a recent trip to a local farm, I picked up a bag of freshly picked salad greens, so […]

Puzzle Table

An exciting new addition in our house means our kitchen is no longer the site for jigsaw puzzle assembly.  We got a puzzle table.  And it’s in our bedroom.  It’s so pretty. And then.  Guess what?  It’s too dark in there.  So I had to order a new floor lamp. But I was going to […]

Simple Fall DĂ©cor

Simple fall dĂ©cor is on tap this year.  I am literally spending no money, using what I have, paring down what I decorate and enjoying the season. Well, I might also be just a bit lazy. What’s to enjoy?  Summer is always my favorite season and decreasing sunlight causes a bit of anxiety for me.  […]

Healthy Pumpkin Almond Milk Latte

Does the advent of Labor Day usher in pumpkin season?  Judging by the fact that three grocery stores we visited were out of pumpkin, I think I might be behind the eight ball already. DF Evon finally found some when she was out and picked up a couple of cans for me so I could […]