Cleaning Reading

Cleaning my Baseboards with a Tennis Ball

Did I read that correctly?  She’s cleaning her baseboards with a tennis ball? 

Yep, I saw this hack and decided to give it a go.  And guess what?  It worked well enough that I’m sharing it here with you.

This hack not only works for those pesky baseboards, but it works great for other hard-to-reach places too.  Like the tops of doors, transom window sills, ceiling fans and window shades.

Find a Tennis Ball

Okay, here’s the thing.  You cannot want your tennis ball to be available for tennis playing after you’re used it for cleaning .  I don’t think that will work.  So stroll down to the courts and find a lost ball and bring that one home.

You might actually want to pick up two in case you meet an adorable dog on the way home that wants to play.  I did!  She could not have weighed seven pounds, but she sure wanted that ball and then she really didn’t want to give it back.  Luckily I had a backup ball.

Make a Slice in the Ball

Many of my family members do not trust me with sharp objects, so hub sliced an “X” into the ball with an X-Acto knife.

Find a Lightweight and Long Pole

The Scotch Brite floor mop we have has the perfect handle with a very easy to unscrew head.  BTW, we’ve had that mop for well over ten years and it is still fantastic.  I highly recommend it for any hard surface floors you have. 

Hmmm, I think I need to do a different blog post on how I clean using that mop.  It’s not one you pair with a bucket of water.  And since we have flooring that needs no chemicals, it is the solution for us.

Cover with a Microfiber Rag

Simply cover the ball with a dampened microfiber rag, secure with a rubber band and you’re ready to go.

I was so happy with my long day of housecleaning not to get down on my knees nor up on a ladder to get these spaces clean.

I have no idea why my pictures turned out purple. I do not have purple countertops or furniture. It’s really time for me to find a camera.


Our club has scheduled some classes that really work for me right now.  Including Pilates!  I recently posted trying it out and I’ve kept up with it over the past month and my back is holding up.

Of course, they have turned the club into a haunted house and I was almost too afraid to work out this week!

What I’m Reading

I hate giving a bad review.  But I’m afraid I’m going to tell you about a thriller author that I am not recommending.

Mark Greaney’s Gray Man series is very popular and gets great reviews.  But his latest, Sierra Six, was almost a DNF for me.  I did, in fact, finish it, but I skipped through a lot.  So long, so boring, so many details and not enough action.

Greaney authors Tom Clancy books now and I was excited to love a new author.  If this book is any indication, I’ll pass.

On audio, because of one of my favorite narrators, Tom Stechschulte, I checked out an older Greg Iles, The Quiet Game.  As I was listening, I realized I had already read this book.  Listening it felt very preachy and I just wasn’t in the mood.  I deleted it and have moved on.  To another book narrated by Stchschulte and you’ll get to hear about that next post.

What I’m Eating

I hope you saw that I popped on mid-week to post an apple crisp recipe.  So much easier than making this post so long.  Another recipe coming up on Tuesday though!

Wrap Up

So far the first week of October has been great.  Seeing friends and catching up.  Enjoying long walks in beautiful weather.  Cleaning my house with a tennis ball.

Enjoy your weekend and I hope you’re not going to spend the entire time cleaning!