May 2023 Potpourri

Taking a few moments to catch up on this and that so here is May 2023 potpourri.  Thanks for coming along! Outdoor Time Bonking you over the head week after week with what I love outdoors seems to be the theme.  Sorry about that if you hate the great outdoors. The club planted new annuals […]

Recent Trader Joeā€™s Purchases and Reviews

Itā€™s been a while since the last Trader Joeā€™s visit and there were some new things I havenā€™t tried.   Hereā€™s a little share of my purchases and some honest reviews. Strawberry and Jalapeno Crisps Okay, who in the world thought a strawberry and jalapeno combination might make for a good cracker?Ā  I have no idea, […]

Homemade Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Like many others, Iā€™m really trying to limit my sugar intake.  But sometimes, I need just a little something.  With chocolate in it.  That will freeze nicely so I donā€™t eat a whole batch. And, for the hub, itā€™s nice if itā€™s gluten free. This recipe calls for 8 ingredients and even I could scrounge that […]

Haunted Crescent Hotel

There is a tradition in our family loving all things haunted.Ā  My sisters, niece and nephew love to tell ghost stories when we are together.Ā  Some of them are actually scary.Ā  Some are pretty lame, but it doesnā€™t stop us. So when DH and I had a chance to stay in the haunted Crescent Hotel […]

Family Room Table Update

Hereā€™s a little secret. Ā The coffee table and end table in our family room were not only very old, they were purchased second hand. Ā  And I loved them. Ā We had them painted black a few years ago and I loved them even more. But.  It was time to move on. Most of the furniture […]

Kitchen Accessory Refresh

It started with a can opener.Ā  Thatā€™s how many stories begin.Ā  I like a good manual can opener, but ours is old and it was skipping around the top of the can, not completely piercing the lid.Ā  Prying off half open lids was a bit scary with my history in the kitchen. We probably let […]

Remodeling to Add a Bar

Our home model had a space for a bar in the great room, but the people who first bought the home opted not to finish it out.  Basically, there was an indentation in our great room with a set of upper and lower honey-colored cabinets that looked like a laundry room.  It was odd and […]

My Top Uses for Decorative Hooks

I am a sucker for a pretty hook.Ā  I know, isnā€™t that crazy?Ā  I love to have unruly things organized and have found that using hooks helps me round up things in a pretty way.Ā  Iā€™m sharing my top uses for decorative hooks. Ear Bud Round Up After using earbuds, I like to coil them […]

Simple Ideas For Keeping Busy & Productive at Home

This has been a busy week for me and a slow week for the hub.Ā  Heā€™s SUPPOSED to be resting his knee due to a stress fracture for two weeks.Ā  Heā€™s been sort of up and down with that, but it means I get to do all the fun chores around the house and still […]