Outdoor Grilling Tri Tip with Santa Maria Marinade

Grilled marinated tri tip is a treat in our household and although many cuts are sold packaged in a marinade, I prefer to make mine at home. Tri tip roast, or steak, as I think of it, is nothing I knew about before we moved to Reno.Ā  Apparently it is a cut popularized on the […]

Family Room Table Update

Hereā€™s a little secret. Ā The coffee table and end table in our family room were not only very old, they were purchased second hand. Ā  And I loved them. Ā We had them painted black a few years ago and I loved them even more. But.  It was time to move on. Most of the furniture […]

A Few New Purchases

I am sharing a few new things I got over the past week or two and what I think of them so far.  Iā€™m not an affiliate of anyone so Iā€™m linking for convenience. Christmas Jammies I saw these Denver plaid flannel jammies on Target.com and the price was right since they were on sale […]

Pantry Organization

We have done so many household projects this year and now itā€™s time to do them all over again.Ā  Pantry organization is back in the rotation. It’s hard to stay on top of keeping the pantry organized.Ā  Especially since we are in and out of there all day, every day. It wasnā€™t in terrible shape, […]