April 2024 Wrap Up

Last post of April!  This has been a whirlwind month starting off with our vacation to Hawaii and it feels like itā€™s been nonstop since. Now, weā€™re here to wrap up April 2024 and this is what went on over the weekend. Lather If you donā€™t have a Lather store near you, they have a […]

A Few Amazon Purchases and Reviews

Amazon Prime Day had a few (or more) appealing items and I ordered more than I usually do.  And then I spent the next two weeks purging my house and garage.  Hmmm. Guilt? Junk overload? Oh, well, I got suckered in on the bargains and today Iā€™m sharing a few of the purchases and my […]

How We Wrangled the Mess Under the Sink

We (by which I mostly mean John) have been doing some projects around the house and I thought I would share them. Most of our cabinets were upgraded a couple of years ago with roll-out racks to make access easier, but under our sinks was never addressed.Ā  Those places are just black holes of Calcutta.Ā  […]