Clothes shopping was pretty minimal last year. The lack of any place to go and the (in my humble opinion) blah fashion colors that were available were pretty unappealing.
But. This year is a whole other story. I am drawn to the rainbow sherbet colors out this summer and couldn’t resist a little shopping splurge.
Kicking everything off was the need for a new handbag. I cannot tell you how much I love my little red Kate Spade. It is small and not too small and adorably, well, red. But the dang cheap thing is already sort of peeling around the handle. And it is not the first Kate Spade to do that. In the old days they were made so much better.

I searched their site and even with their super-duper 75% off sale, the bags were expensive and I already know what the quality is. Now, I guess expensive is a subjective term, because I am not one to pay over a thousand bucks for a bag. Just me.
What I did find is the cutest and most perfect size and shape bag from, you guessed it, Amazon. I am so out of the know on bags, I didn’t know it is a LV knock off. The orange is so 2021 in my book and for under $30 it appears to be the same quality as what I’ve been getting for a lot more money. Score and if you like smaller bags, highly recommend.
Shorts and Tanks
Who would have thought one orange purse would send me down a rainbow rabbit hole looking for new shorts and tops that are NOT neutral.

A little trip to the local Gap outlet store and the one-day cyber Monday in May sale from Talbots scored me shorts and tops to keep me clothed for a long time to come.
Sports Skort

While on Talbot’s sale page, I found this skort and ordered it because it is a longer size which I’m more comfortable in for pickleball. It has a quick-drying fabric outer skirt and a nice pair of shorts under. But, dang, it does not have pockets in the shorts legs and I’m telling you, that is a deal killer. I’ll keep the skort, but if I would have been in-person shopping, I would have passed on it. What do you think of it?
Gold Sandals

What can I say, is there any wardrobe complete without a pair of golden slippers? On sale, too.

Remember that time when Victoria’s Secret was trying to get me to be a lingerie model? Ok, I might have made that up. But, I did find the most adorable PJs at Soma and couldn’t resist. Because I had a coupon, of course. Their sports bras were also buy one get one half off. Now, those bras are more money than I like to spend, but they are really nice with a front zip and with my aging shoulders, I find that something I am looking for more and more lately.

Have you ever tried to get a sweaty Lulu Lemon sports bra off? Can I just paint a picture of what that looks like? Those puppies are so tight I have to get into pretzel mode – like taking off a strait jacket. Yep, they’re strappy and cute, but oh, my. The pain.
In keeping with the colorful palate this season, hub ordered me a new red iPhone. I don’t really care about the color because I keep it in a case. Because I drop it every 5 minutes.
But, my old phone was not keeping a charge, and after a little crazy travel episode last week, not having a charged phone was more than inconvenient.

Now, here is why I mention this purchase. John ordered from Apple, for roughly the same cost as third party vendors (whoops, that sounds like work talk, doesn’t it?) and they offered a $9 shipping option for same day delivery. Which requires a signature. Which means you stay home. Which isn’t all that big of a deal. On a Friday night. The phone arrived several hours late but arrived the same day.
Apple immediately contacted him and said since the phone didn’t arrive during the quoted time period, they refunded the $9 charge. How’s that for customer service? Let me say right here, I never thought I would compliment Apple on anything, but there you go. Good job.
I mentioned a while back I was trying collagen because of all the hair, skin and joint benefits everyone swears to. I got the highest rated powder I could find and well. I just couldn’t get over the ick factor. I’m going to leave that there and not go into it. In case you are a vegetarian or something. Like a human with feelings.

But I’m trying again with Modere Liquid Collagen. It comes highly recommended and the taste is good. One tablespoon in the morning and one at night. Honestly, if it helps my joints, I’ll be a repeat customer. I’ll let you know how it goes!
And, by the way, I’m still not fooling myself where collagen comes from. Sad sniff.
Tiered Plate

This is not a purchase, but a gift. DS Susie and her hub put together this adorable tiered plate and gifted me during our recent visit to Colorado. I have it out on my counter and have been keeping produce on it. Love it.
Sending you love and prayers and blessings for a lovely week ahead and thank you for sharing my journey.
you put out your plate! Looks cute :). Clothes are cute as well…may need to “work it” a little more posing.