You can classify this post as “The Art of Doing Nothing” or perhaps “Self-Care for the Soul.”
But no matter what, sometimes it’s just important to recharge your batteries.
How does that look to you? Do you even bother to do it or is your life an endless list of tasks?
I know, mine used to be too. But I’ve slowed down a lot the past couple of years and I want to share what I do to recharge.
If you’ve followed me for long, this will come as no surprise to you. A day without a book is like a day without sunshine.
I don’t need movies or TV. What I need is a good book. Preferably with a bit of violence and action.
And maybe a soft blanket and a cat curled up with me.

I found out a couple weeks ago at Helen’s Cabi party that I have quite a reputation in our community for being a walker.
Women I had never met told me that they see me out walking. Gees!
Probably because I’m the little old lady fighting to stand up straight with a monster brace on my knee.
I don’t know, but I do know a walk in the sunshine plugged into an audiobook is a way to recharge for sure.

I know, I know! This should be listed as number 1. Lord, forgive me. Of course, I pray everywhere and frequently, but sometimes finding the “prayer closet” is a great way to find peace and clarity.
The patio behind our gym is my prayer closet. When big ol’ things are going on in my life or in the life of a loved one, I take it to God in that spot.

Get Creative
Using my hands allows my mind to rest. We have been doing small jigsaw puzzles quite a lot and it carves out a bit of space in the day to use our fingers and not our brains. Well, hub uses his brain because he’s good at shape recognition.
My mind is not that great.
Putting a pencil to paper and doing number puzzles or crosswords is challenging and restful all at the same time for me.
No need to lay awake at 2 a.m. wondering how to get the puzzle done because it eases stress and lets some creative juices flow back in.
If you’re lucky enough to be an artist or musician likely you know how to get your juices flowing.

Spa Day
Whether you treat yourself to a massage, mani pedi or just spend time at home refurbing your skin or hair or nails, a spa day is perfect for feeling better and looking better.
Even spending a little time on a mat doing a full-body stretch recharges me.

Wrap Up
I hope this gives you some motivation to spend time recharging your own batteries and taking care of your mind, body and soul.
No need for an entire week retreat or expensive getaways. Just take some time to nourish yourself and enjoy the results.
Thanks for being here and God bless you and yours.