The Getty

For years when visiting LA, I would see the white building at the top of the hill and think, ā€œOne day Iā€™d like to visit the Getty.ā€  I had no expectations or thoughts about what it might be, other than a well-known museum.  Last week, we finally made that visit happen, and boy oh boy, […]

A Little History from the American West

Sometimes my little brain makes some crazy connections.  So, here we go, and please stick with me ā€“ I promise to wrap this all together at some point. I am taking a R.I.P.P.E.D. exercise class which is new at our gym (big shout out to Kelly, our fantastic instructor!)  RIPPED is a crazy acronym for […]

Thereā€™s No Business Like Show Business

At the risk of sounding a little looney, Iā€™ll make a confession.Ā  There is generally a song running through my mind and many times that song is from a Broadway musical.Ā  This is nothing new ā€“ Iā€™ve been like this since I was a kid.Ā  In fact, as a kid, Iā€™d see musicals and feel […]

Is It Autumn or Summer-Lite?

Happy Fall Yā€™all!  Bah humbug.  I am probably the only person in the world who doesnā€™t love to see fall coming.  Living most of my life in cold-weather places, fall always brought a deep feeling of dread to me.  I knew that the first yellow leaf I saw was a harbinger of snow that could […]

Whatā€™s on Your Device?

Back in the old days ā€“ well, not all that long ago ā€“ most people on planes were reading books or magazines.Ā  There werenā€™t devices with movies, TV shows, podcasts, books, etc. handily downloaded onto them.Ā  If I ever finished a book, or heaven forbid, forgot a book, Iā€™d have to purchase one at the […]

Oklahoma City Visit

September is probably the cruelest and least enjoyable month in Arizona.Ā  While Fall is making itself felt in other parts of the country, itā€™s still consistently over 100 degrees in Phoenix and Tucson, and the nights are not cooling down.Ā  To add to that, the chances for monsoon rains and their cooling breezes are starting […]

Getting Back on Track

We are just back from a two-week road trip, and I cannot lie, we spent a lot of downtime over the weekend recovering.  We had such a wonderful time seeing family and friends and enjoying beautiful scenery.  My usual routine of halfway-healthy eating and exercising regularly was severely compromised.  Excuse #1 on eating: One thing […]

Thoughts on Travel

I recently did an informal count of the trips we have been on in the past 12 months.  Many of the trips were pleasure combined with business, and the rest were pure pleasure, but in either case, I made the most out of being away from home.  Not every place is an exotic vacation destination, […]

“Our Spacemen Walk on the Moon!”

The Boston Herald Traveler proudly announced July 21, 1969. The issue greeted me last week from the Apollo 11 50th anniversary display at the Arizona Science Center. We were there for the Mummies of the World exhibit, but when I saw the anniversary commemoration, I thought that was way better than the mummies!Ā  I must […]

Summer Reading, Summer Eating

Reading I read a lot.  As in a lot.  I really donā€™t have any hobbies, so I have a lot of time for reading.  And for the record, I donā€™t consider reading a hobby.  Itā€™s just what I do every day.  Like brushing my teeth.  However, sometimes the experience is special – like when I […]