What’s on Your Device?

Back in the old days – well, not all that long ago – most people on planes were reading books or magazines.  There weren’t devices with movies, TV shows, podcasts, books, etc. handily downloaded onto them.  If I ever finished a book, or heaven forbid, forgot a book, I’d have to purchase one at the […]

Getting Back on Track

We are just back from a two-week road trip, and I cannot lie, we spent a lot of downtime over the weekend recovering.  We had such a wonderful time seeing family and friends and enjoying beautiful scenery.  My usual routine of halfway-healthy eating and exercising regularly was severely compromised.  Excuse #1 on eating: One thing […]

Summer Reading, Summer Eating

Reading I read a lot.  As in a lot.  I really don’t have any hobbies, so I have a lot of time for reading.  And for the record, I don’t consider reading a hobby.  It’s just what I do every day.  Like brushing my teeth.  However, sometimes the experience is special – like when I […]