May 2023 Potpourri

Taking a few moments to catch up on this and that so here is May 2023 potpourri.  Thanks for coming along! Outdoor Time Bonking you over the head week after week with what I love outdoors seems to be the theme.  Sorry about that if you hate the great outdoors. The club planted new annuals […]

Outdoor Table Top

I did a little window shopping for you this week, saving you a lot of gas money.  Here are some of the gorgeous outdoor table top displays I saw. The weather has been mostly delightful the past week (except the wicked wind storm that took down our neighbor’s 20 foot tree).  That meant patio time […]

Simple Memorial Day Dishes

Today I’ve got you covered for simple Memorial Day dishes – main course, side dish or dessert. Whether you are hosting and providing the main dish, or attending an event and bringing a side dish, keeping it simple is always best for summer enjoyment. I have rounded up my favorites from the blog and linking […]

Just for Fun

Things have been pretty low-key in our neck of the woods, but here are a few things we’ve done just for fun. Casino After many, many years living in Reno, casinos have little appeal for me.  However, since retiring and taking more road trips, we have learned to stop in casinos along our way.  Their […]

Sexy (Not!) Projects Update

We haven’t shared too many projects around here lately, but today?  That all changes!  Here is the sexy (not!) projects update and what we’ve been up to. Sexy projects are the best.  You see some crummy “before” picture, then the “after” picture and you are wowed!  Maybe it’s a stunning kitchen or bathroom. But us?  […]

Raised Garden Bed

The absolute cutest raised garden bed with a shelf and wheels and hooks appeared on the Walmart feed and spoke to me.  My herbs were saying, “We need this new home!” Walmart seems to have really upped their outdoor game the past couple of years.  Each time I see the perfect outdoor seating set or […]

First Time at the Mall (in a Really Long Time)

Years and years of online shopping meant I could avoid the hassle of visiting a mall.  This week we went to the mall for the first time in a really, really, really long time. Guess what?  It was kind of fun.   It brought back memories of girlfriend days.  And we checked out some old favorites […]

March Musings

Just a bit of this and that to share today, so I’m calling this post March Musings.  This has been one crazy weather month with more lion than lamb so our activities are all over the place. Baking Day No surprise, I like to keep a stock of homemade biscuits and oatmeal cookies in the […]

My Favorite (and Useful) Three Phone Apps

Phone apps are such a personal thing, aren’t they?  I think you can tell a lot about a person if you were to discover their favorite apps.  Well, today, I’m baring myself and sharing my favorite (and useful) three phone apps Libby For anyone who knows me, this app comes as no surprise.  Libby is […]

Around Town in February

We had an unusually busy (and fun) week with various activities around town in February and here is a recap. Latin Night DF Barb got our posse all signed up for the club’s Latin Night dinner this week. It was a very fancy taco Tuesday buffet. The dĂ©cor was cute, the food was good and […]