There are so many tempting options for washable rugs, bath mats and runners. With 100% hard floors in our house, finding easily cleaned rugs is my goal. But are machine washable rugs really all that washable?
In truth, rugs billed as machine washable aren’t always sensible to actually place in your washing machine.
And most front-loading washing machines are now billed as large capacity, suitable for comforters, rugs, etc.
This is my rug cleaning journey and sharing the outcome.
Kitchen Runners
In the kitchen I have opted to use runners between the sink and the stove that are indoor/outdoor. When they get soiled, we take them outside, spray them with a bit of Dawn and hose them down. Then we let the fine Arizona sun do its job and dry them out.

If hub sees a lot of troublesome spots, he’ll supplement this treatment with the Bissell carpet cleaner. We have the Power Brush Pet model for reference.
Bedroom Area Rug
We have a cream colored rug in our bedroom and the whole fam damily camps out in there at night. You might ask why someone with three cats would get light colored rugs.
And I would say, “Because.”

That rug is giant and technically it’s washable. But I’m not removing it even to hose it down outside.
When needed, I spot clean the edges with the Bissell Green Machine and periodically we use the full carpet cleaner.
I detailed the process on this post if you’re interested.
Bath Mats
Now here is the big problem. Our bath mats. I have experimented with so many settings on our LG front loading washer and generally have problems.
It turns out the “Speed Cleaning” and the “Delicate” modes do not work well. The “Bulky” mode does the best and does not get me on an endless rinsing cycle.

CAUTION: I have read that front loaders are not really meant for the heaviness of bath mats and using them for that can permanently damage the machine.
I can attest to the fact that the rubber-backed mats get really heavy with water so I can see that might be a problem.
However, we have hosed our white and dirty bath mats many times and while they might technically be clean, they are stained and I hate them.
Can you see all the spots on the rug in this picture?

Machine washing them on the bulky setting got every stain out and they look fresh as brand new.

For drying, I still take them outside and let them dry in the sun.
Any rugs or mats I use outside are never going in my washing machine. Either they can be hosed off and cleaned sufficiently or out they go.
Wrap Up
If you have a front loader, use it with caution on washable rugs and I have found the “Bulky” setting works best.
Never leave the house with rugs in the washer, because they frequently get in a loop and will run forever.
And my last suggestion might be to stop purchasing white rugs. 😉
Thank you for spending time with me as I work through my chores. What do you have on your agenda this week?
Hi Corine good info on the bulky cycle as I was going to wash a bulky something the other day but was afraid it would mean too much water and oops water overflow. .
I tend to use only 2:/3,settings on my machine.
Here is a question: have you any insight on matchine washing bed pillows? I done this a few times and all I get is a pillow full of lumps! I do not recall that happening when Mom would wash our pillows . What say you or your followers? Tx
Up the good work , Twin!
Hi, Jann, the pillows I have all wash up just fine in the washing machine. I do one at a time and hang them out to dry. I have read that when they get lumps they can be dried in the dryer with tennis balls, but I haven’t tried that.