The beautiful weather has beckoned me outdoors and my tired, barren patio needed some attention.
We worked to find a balance between an inviting spring patio with the low maintenance we are striving for day to day.
While my patio is not going to make any Pinterest awards, I think I can share a few tips on what we did to find comfort while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.
And hopefully everything we did lasts for a while into our hot summer.
Power Wash
Hub hauled out the power washer and got the front porch ready. We don’t waste the water on the entire back patio, but it was nice to get the front spruced up.

Transplant and Refresh Overgrown Plants
The aloe plant I’ve had for years has been quite prolific and I might be a plant great great grandma by now.
A few years ago I found a couple of perfect planters to flank the front door and the aloes I planted have done wonderfully.
A little too wonderfully. They got crazy big. Reaching out to touch anyone using the chairs.
Bless hub’s sweet heart! He took out the shovel and transplanted the monsters from the front yard and placed new young ‘uns in the planters. They are a bit small now, but will grow nicely in no time.

A small cactus garden I had got a refresh with a few new little succulents and now has a new home front and center.

Consider UV Resistant Faux Plants
On my recent trip to TJ Maxx, I picked up some UV resistant plants to fox up the patio and withstand our upcoming conditions.
The greenery really softens up the patio. From Amazon I ordered really lovely hanging plants to spill out of the potted palms.

Add a Dining Space
And now for the best part! I got a new small bistro table!
Remember my adorable go-to dupe friend Kendra? From Kendra Found It? Yes, her! Not only does she publish a mean newsletter with all the best sales and dupes she finds. She also responds to personal requests for advice on new purchases. I know!
Responding to her latest email, I let her know I wanted a nice small dining table for our very hot and smallish patio, and she sent me a number of personalized links with great options from Wayfair, Walmart and Target.
I ended up taking her advice on a gray washed teak frame bistro set that matches very well with the love seat.
It’s just the perfect size for the two of us and won’t be so monstrous to clean every week like the big dining set I recently donated.

Wrap Up
I hope these low-maintenance tips motivate you to get out and enjoy your space too. Our changes are simple, but since I’m on a mission to simplify, they seem just perfect for now.
What is on your agenda for the week?
Thank you for spending time here and as always God bless.