My Take on a Cult Favorite – Costco Chicken

The older I get, the less I like meat.  I hardly even eat chicken anymore.  I’m not usually too big on grocery store rotisserie chicken because I don’t care for the spices they use, but Costco is the exception.  Their chicken is actually famous with a cult following. There are a number of articles written […]

A Visit to Historic Phoenix Neighborhoods

F.Q. Story District As you can see from the picture, Saturday was a picture-perfect day in Phoenix and we took a drive into town and visited a couple more historic neighborhoods.  Some are still in need of a major overhaul and some are just perfectly charming.  I took pictures of a few homes in the […]

Easter and Birthday in Quarantine

Happy week after Easter – one to remember, I’m sure.  I hope we all found that doing things in a new way made us creative and happy and not feel too cheated out of life’s celebrations. My dear friends Evon, Cindy and Sara gave me a surprise birthday party Sunday.  Yep, on Zoom.  I was […]