Plantation Shutters in the Bedroom and More Instapot Feedback

I posted several months ago how much I loved the new shutters in our bathroom and transom windows in our bedroom.  Then.  I decided I needed to replace the woven woods with plantation shutters too.  Our room is pretty dark and I felt like they would brighten up the space.  Gulp.  Expensive.  We ordered Graber […]

Comfort Food on Meatless Monday

We (by which I mean mainly I) have been observing Meatless Monday for years.  It seems like all the recipes I come up with on Mondays involve a lot of carbs. Maybe some cheese and then, bam!  Instant comfort food on a Meatless Monday. With those kinds of ingredients, I guess it cannot be considered […]

Summer Life Updates and Recommendations

Phew, for somebody with no life, I have a lot to share on today’s post.  I want to share a few updates on my life this summer and make a couple of recommendations. Renewed Commitment to Exercise I might have mentioned before that I am taking a little respite from running this summer.  The number […]

There’s No Business Like Show Business

At the risk of sounding a little looney, I’ll make a confession.  There is generally a song running through my mind and many times that song is from a Broadway musical.  This is nothing new – I’ve been like this since I was a kid.  In fact, as a kid, I’d see musicals and feel […]