A New Housecleaning Routine

As is the case in life, things have changed around here.Ā  We no longer have any cleaning assistance.Ā  Our long-time cleaners have retired and now we are working on a new housecleaning routine. Having the house clean for the weekend when we were likely to entertain was always my goal.  But.  More change.  We do […]

Refreshing Summer Salads

Are you one who loses your appetite during hot weather?  Mmm, me neither.   Iā€™m as voracious an eater as ever.  But, a refreshing summer salad makes for a perfect evening meal. And if you don’t have much of an appetite, it’s perfect. Here are a couple salads I made this week. Trader Joeā€™s Mediterranean Style […]

A Few Things I Love This Spring

It feels like this is a very long spring this year.  Home in Arizona has been lush and full of desert blooms.  Early this year, I saw the dogwoods and magnolias of Georgia blossom. Our latest trip through Wyoming, South Dakota and Colorado have extended spring quite a bit, because these states are just getting […]

Goodbye, Thanksgiving and Hello, Christmas

I havenā€™t seen a weather map of the US in a while, but you would think weā€™re being bombarded by snowy scenes reminiscent of Currier and Ives.Ā  Or a Hallmark movie.Ā  But judging by all the outdoor winter decorations I see, itā€™s time to say goodbye to Thanksgiving and hello to Christmas. It is supposed […]