Make-Ahead Meals

We have been slowly getting back to our normal routine after our big Colorado road trip.  It feels like we have been busy with cleaning and cooking and restocking. Not really fun. So, in an effort to keep out of the kitchen a bit this week, I spent time prepping and cooking some make-ahead meals. […]

November 2023 Potpourri

I donā€™t know about your neck of the woods, but around here?  Around here things are already gearing up for the holidays.  Letā€™s chat about it for November 2023 potpourri, shall we? A lot of really fun activities are popping up and I want to take advantage of every one of them.  Especially if that […]

Homemade Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Like many others, Iā€™m really trying to limit my sugar intake.  But sometimes, I need just a little something.  With chocolate in it.  That will freeze nicely so I donā€™t eat a whole batch. And, for the hub, itā€™s nice if itā€™s gluten free. This recipe calls for 8 ingredients and even I could scrounge that […]

Summer Days

Did anyone else think May felt a bit funky?  I canā€™t exactly pinpoint it, but it wasnā€™t the fantastic month I thought it would be.  There were most certainly very high points like Mt. Rushmore and a sister visit.  But.  There was work drama, travel drama (I got clunked very hard on the head on […]