Motivation for Small Organization Projects

January is traditionally the month of the overhaul. Ā For a fresh start.Ā  Diet, fitness, self-improvement ā€“ you name it.Ā  Any of those can be a lot to chew. How about just a tiny bite?Ā  How about just some motivation for small organization projects? Organizing projects are high on the list of January resolutions. In fact, […]

Laundry Day

Like many empty nesters, laundry day isnā€™t an overwhelming chore in our house.  I usually do laundry just twice a week and with our huge capacity washing machine, it may only be one or two loads at that.  And with the price of our water, thatā€™s a good thing. I am sharing my laundry routines […]

When Less is More

If youā€™re a gym person, or in fact a person who gets any physical activity at all, you know the gyms and walking trails are pretty lonely places to be in December.  But in January!  Your favorite machine is taken by some lumpy, grumpy stranger and the walking trails are full of people huffing along […]

How Keeping Organized Changed my Life

I took so many Sociology classes in college; I could have been considered a Sociology minor.Ā  I loved those classes.Ā  I loved the professor.Ā  I loved her vocabulary.Ā  I loved thinking in new ways quite different from how Iā€™d been exposed to the world.Ā  I especially loved that I could vomit on paper and get […]