A Spring Fling? Nah, Just a Spring Clean

Weather must be getting beautiful everywhere, right?Ā  So that coupled with forced down time inspired me to get a little spring cleaning in.Ā  Iā€™m going to share some of my tips and tricks here.Ā  Disclaimer:Ā  I am no expert.Ā  I am just a bit of a neat freak (OCD?) with bad fingernails and arthritis, looking […]

Seven Tips for a Quick Cleaning Day

For some, this season of life is retirement, for others itā€™s more empty nesting.  I know many of you are caretakers of elderly family members or are still really involved with children or grandchildren, so you are part of the sandwich generation. I guess for me itā€™s really pre-retirement.  I got a small taste of […]