Skip the Scale

Welcome to the December Fit Challenge. Did you have a nice weekend? Did it include any goodies? If so, you might want to skip the scale for a few days. Here’s what I do. Weigh Less Often Lots of controversy around the bathroom scale these days. At my age I certainly don’t want to be […]

Evaluate Your Supplements

With lots of gunk going around this time of year, I like to keep my immune system strong. In the hopes of that, there are supplements I’ve found that may or may not help. This is a good time to evaluate your supplements. Check with Your Doctor Each year, I go over medications and supplements […]

Healthy Swaps

If you’re joining me for the December Fit Challenge, I welcome you today as we talk about Healthy Swaps. Just like we knew would happen, over a week of December has already flown by and things are starting to get busy. I’m so glad we’re taking some time for ourselves here. The tips and challenges […]