Home Organization

Quick Organization Projects

Wow, I don’t think I really have the energy for any big organization projects right now, because we did a few small, quick organization projects this week and I’m pooped!

Let me count the pooped ways.  The house became a MESS while we were in the midst of our projects so I cleaned early Friday morning.  And missed my gym workout.  Dang it.

Then I got bleachy cleanser on my black warm up jacket and it got ruined.  It is now my house cleaning jacket.  Suitable only for cleaning and not leaving my back yard.  Ugh.

And then.  I ruined my mani.  I know.  My nails are no great shake anyway and now the paint is chipped and my hands are dried up claws.

But, my house is clean and a couple of places are organized better than they were.

Beverage Cupboard

What I believed to a very quick little wipe of the shelves and straighten job while my coffee was brewing turned out to be a tiny bit more than that.

Of course.

This cupboard somehow got itself all messed up since I last arranged it and posted my beverage station. Hmmm.  How the heck does that happen?

Organized Beverage Cupboard

Well, I decided to use a pretty basket to corral all the Kcups that had migrated everywhere.  Do those things have babies when I’m not looking?  I don’t generally use the prefilled cups since they are a bit too strong for me so I don’t keep an eye on them. 

Well, now they are in a pretty basket and in one place.

I also emptied the tea bag boxes and put my every morning tea in a Longaberger basket.  They are now handy and in one spot.

Wrangled Tea Bags

Ahh, such a nice cupboard now.

Measuring Cups and Spoon

I have worked with a very nice and talented lady, KariAnne who blogs ThistlewoodFarms and I saw her clever solution for organizing measuring cups and spoons.   Now mine were not in that bad of shape in the drawer, but what I loved about this solution is that I don’t have to peer at the spoons and decide what is a teaspoon and what is a ½ teaspoon.

Labeled and Organized Measuring Cups

Hub helped me out with this and here’s what we did:

  • Purchased the smallest head Command hooks we could find
  • Used the Dyno labler and typed out the measures
  • Hung the spoons on the inside of one door and the cups on the inside of another

I will say that you might not want to hang spoons on doors you use a lot because if you’re kind of rough opening them, a spoon might become a missile and go across the room.  How do I know that, you ask?

Labeled and Organized Measuring Spoons

Hall Utility Closet

This closet gets messed up almost immediately after I clean it up.  And it doesn’t get messed up by me.  So this time, I recruited the guy who makes the mess.  We bought storage bins in assorted sizes and having new gizmos made the job much more appealing.

Organized Closet

I then took the bins and moved them to the very front of the shelves so you-know-who will not be tempted to stick everything in front of the new organized bins and shut the door.

New Bins

We had stuff all over the hallway for the better part of two days while this project was in process. Can I say hot mess?

Hot Mess

Ok, I’m exhausted, but I have three freshly organized areas and a clean house.  And awful hands.  And soft biceps.

My DF Deb whipped up a batch of the Sweet Potato White Bean Soup I posted earlier this week and it was a hit.  She sent me a beautiful pic.  I love feedback.

Deb’s Soup

Another new purchase and small project on next week’s agenda, but for now, I’m thankful for a weekend.  I hope yours is good!