Gardening Leisure Reading

October 2024 Potpourri

A potpourri post is where I sit at my keyboard with a cup o’ joe and chat about this and that.

Pour yourself a little drink and join me, won’t you?

The ides of October have arrived and there is no denying the holidays are upon us.  Every year I think, “How can this have happened so quickly?”  But here we are.

So, tell me.  Is your house decorated for autumn or have you fast forwarded and started digging out the Christmas décor?

Our weather has turned perfect this week.  By which I mean we have departed from 100⁰ highs during the day.  So it feels like perfect summer days and I don’t want to let that go. 

In fact, our park has been overseeded with winter grass and it looks so beautiful.   In a few short weeks the trees will lose their leaves and I’ll be waiting for March to see them return.

You might gather Christmas is nowhere to be seen in my house. 

Plants & Garden

In fact, the weather is so nice, I decided to dip my toes into gardening.  Hub planted his winter garden and tomato worms annihilated (that’s a hard word to spell!) his radishes so he had to start over.

The lettuce he planted for me never sprouted, so he’s trying new seeds now which are a bit more promising.

We took a trip to Home Depot and found large patio plants which come already blooming or with vegetables started.

I got a tomato and a jalapeno.

The plants were so gorgeous, it made me want to buy them all and deck out the patio.  But then I remember how much work they take to keep alive.  I snapped a couple pictures and called it good.

And!  They are so expensive!  The small containers of herbs are $6.  I want to freshen up my herb garden, but I need to either shop around or start from seeds.  Not gonna pay that.

Anthem Health & Wellness Club

If you’re a local, or you feel like taking a jaunt to Anthem, Arizona, Deb’s Health & Wellness Club is hosting a good one this month.

Dr. Rachel Gerber is a local podiatrist and will be speaking on foot health.  Who over the age of 40 is not interested in that?

As always, Deb requests registration but the event is free.

What I’m Reading

On audio I finished a LONG Richard Russo, Everybody’s Fool.  It’s an old one, but so, so good. I remember reading Russo back in the day and loving him so much. 

This one is narrated by one of my favorites, Mark Bramhall.  I think I was down to one day left on my loan when I finished it. But it was good and I recommend.

In print I put down a book and added to my DNF (did not finish) shelf so I won’t bother going into that.  I’m almost finished with a YA book so I’ll report back on that next time.

What I’m Eating

We made a hearty pot of beef stew in the Calphalon Slow Cooker this weekend. 

BTW, the money we paid for the slow cooker was worth it because we still love it and use it at least weekly.

Then I realized I’ve never really shared my recipe for beef stew. 

I’ll type that up soon and share on another post.

Wrap Up

Thank you for spending a few minutes with me.  I hope you put your feet up and relaxed while you did it.

Let me know what you’re interested in for upcoming posts.  Shopping, cooking, decorating, home hacks?  Exercise, reading, travel?

God bless you and yours for a wonderful week ahead.

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