The older I get, the less I like meat. I hardly even eat chicken anymore. I’m not usually too big on grocery store rotisserie chicken because I don’t care for the spices they use, but Costco is the exception. Their chicken is actually famous with a cult following. There are a number of articles written and a Facebook page dedicated to them. What?! Who knew?
Costco loses money on them as a marketing loss leader. Thinking about this strategy reminds me of what I loved about Business school. I loved Marketing classes. But I guess that’s a post for another day.
Loss leading is a strategy many new companies or companies with new products use to attract customers. Costco uses another strategy. They place their famous chickens in the back of their store so customers walk past all that expensive stuff you just NEED to put in your cart. Really, they have a pack of lighters for $19. Don’t you need that?
Well, I braved the lines and face masks to go to Costco after work last week (and boy did I stock up). I knew I would be exhausted after my day, so I picked up one of the rotisserie chickens. It was marked with the time it came out of the oven – about 15 minutes before I bought it. Of course, they keep them warm, but it was also fresh.
I guess what makes them so good is that they are injected with saline, so their salt content is really high. Luckily, sodium content is not an issue for me.They are technically considered a processed food, but I think this might be the healthiest processed food I can get.
John and I ate off the chicken for at least five meals. We finally threw it away because I was afraid it would be too old. So for us, it was an excellent deal!

Susie’s Spinach Salad and Rotisserie Chicken Dinner
My sister Susie picked up a rotisserie chicken this week and served it up with a yummy strawberry salad with bottled raspberry dressing. Here’s what she sent me:
“I made spinach and sliced strawberry salad with sliced red onion and feta cheese. I put raspberry dressing on it and we had rotisserie chicken with it. I drizzled a little dressing on the chicken-it was so good! And easy!”
My sisters both work really hard at their jobs and they are accomplished in the kitchen, but sometimes you just need a few shortcuts.
What I’m Eating

Another awesome Costco find is a huge container of strawberries which are ripe and in season. You cannot tell, but this is a really big bowl. John buys the whipped cream in packages of three from Costco and I can tell you, they don’t get thrown away because he has no problem finishing them. I think this whipped cream and plain ol’ strawberries is about the healthiest dessert I can find. Ok, sometimes I drizzle a little chocolate on them. Delish!
What I’m Reading
On audio I am listening to the last Tres Nevarre (sniff, sniff) Rebel Island. So far, so good, but I will give a complete review next week.
I am reading Passage by Connie Willis. I love her time-travel stories, but this one is about NDEs. Like me, Connie is a Denver native, and many of her books take place there – as does this one. They are so easy to read and very fun.
Ruggable Update

I mentioned we purchased a Ruggable for our kitchen knowing they are machine washable. Sure enough, I dropped an empty spoon with just enough paprika powder to stain it! I put a bit of Spray and Wash on the spot, machine washed and dried outside. Perfect as the day I opened it. Happy customer.
Memorial Day

We have a wonderful and award-winning Veteran’s memorial in our community park and we try to attend all the events that honor our military. This year there was no service, but they had flags surrounding the memorial, the missing man table was set and they had red roses placed on the pavers representing Killed or Missing in Action.
I’m glad we stopped by, because it was still so nice. And, the bonus, there was a motorcyclist in a flight suit and mask – completely covered from head to toe – who parked his bike and played the National Anthem and Taps from his motorcycle speakers. Afterwards, he saluted, hopped on his bike and drove away. I don’t know who he was or if he was going from memorial to memorial, but it was touching and greatly appreciated.

Ok, I’m wrapping up this holiday weekend. I’m going to go plop myself on the couch and finish my book.
I hope things are starting to open up where you are and you enjoy the week ahead. Prayers for peace and grace.